Tuesday, December 4, 2012

May The Force be with you.

   By Donna Cole

 Yesterday, it was reported by several media outlets that someone had created a new petition on the White House website "We the People." On this site folks can start a petition and if they get more than 25,000 signatures supposedly President Obama will address the issue. This new petition called on the government to build a Death Star, like the one in the movie Star Wars. They said it would be good because the project would create a lot of jobs (among other things).

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

MediaPolitical Predictions and other election stuff you need to know

   By Donna Cole

 Last week, Charles Krauthammer summed up what this presidential election is about in one nice tidy sentence, "At stake is the relation between citizen and state, the very nature of the American social contract." While every four years we hear "this one" is the most important ever, this election is special because with an Obama victory the relationship Krauthammer wrote about will be fundamentally and forever changed. Taking this into account, let's take a look at the state of the race and what MediaPolitical knows, believes, thinks, or doesn't think, will happen. (Yes, some simple math is involved, you have been forewarned.)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

MediaPolitical's thoughts on MSNBC's post debate coverage

   By Donna Cole

 My first analysis of tonight's debate from watching the post debate coverage is that the liberals at MSNBC are beyond excuse making, or hair on fire, they are angry. Public displays of anger is one of the hallmarks of liberalism, and they are publicly showing their rear ends tonight. As a pundit, MediaPolitical is embarrassed how they are behaving.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Red Meat

   By Donna Cole

 After the fire had just died down to a smolder over Mitt Romney's comments on President Obama's response to the attack on our Libyan consulate the left wing media's hair is ablaze again over what he said to a donor at a private $50,000 a plate fundraiser about the 47% of Americans who pay no federal income tax. They are high with delight and giddy with glee over their latest big gotcha.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Obama the War Criminal ? No, it can't be.

   By Donna Cole

  MediaPolitical found an interesting little editorial in Saturday's New York Times. It seems the Obama administration has tried to deny some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay access to their lawyers and a Federal Judge smacked down the Constitutional lawyer who also happens to be our President.

Friday, September 7, 2012

What was learned from the Democratic National Convention?

   By Donna Cole

 Thursday night, President Obama delivered his less than awe inspiring pitch for re-election and the 2012 Democratic National Convention came to an end. The liberal pundits were certainly for the most part let down with the President's speech, their reactions to it went from the speech was a dud, to the president was modest in his goals and didn't want to over promise, to it was adequate and this was a safe speech by a man confident he has re-election in the bag. But by all accounts, this speech will probably not be on Obama's greatest hits album, if it is, maybe the ninth tune on the B side.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Some thoughts on the Wisconsin senate race.

   By Donna Cole

 In May I wrote a column supporting Mark Neumann in the Republican senate primary. As time has gone on and we get closer to the primary, I must admit I have wavered somewhat in my support of Neumann. The reason is because I have gone from supporting the candidate I personally like the most to asking which one can beat Tammy Baldwin ?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Your future is trash.

   By Donna Cole

 Want to see the our economic future ? You don't need a crystal ball, just look in the garbage. Actually, you need to look at the number of rail carloads of garbage hauled as calculated by the Association of American Railroads. Economist Michael McDonough produced the following chart showing the correlation between waste carloads and GDP growth, and he used this methodology to predict the near 4% growth rate in 2010. (Credit to The Fix as my original source for this chart.)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Polls with a little psychology thrown in.

   By Donna Cole

 MediaPolitical has been digging through some recent polling data on the presidential race looking for interesting trend shifts and we found a few things worthy of deeper examination. The main two sets of data I am using are from the most recent Washington Post/ ABC News poll from 7/8/12 and the New York Times/ CBS News poll from 7/11-16/12.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Democrat Economics 101

   By Donna Cole

 It seems I have caught Ezra Klein at Wonkblog telling a fib. You know Ezra, the liberal economic wunderkind, Democrat business expert (who has never actually worked a day in the business sector), and sometime fill in host for Rachel Maddow's MSNBC show.

 We at MediaPolitical always find it humorous that the only so-called experts on economics, business and regulatory policy, that liberals can put forth are ones who never actually worked in the fields they are supposed to be experts in. They all come from academia, journalism, or some political background. Klein himself has a B.A. in political science, and besides working for Howard Dean's failed presidential bid in 2003 his whole career is in liberal biased journalism and left wing punditry.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So, you want to be like France ?

    By Donna Cole

 The NY Times' Paul Krugman was on CNBC's Squawk Box yesterday (7/11) talking about his ideas of what the government should do to fix the economy (video, runs just over 13 minutes). Krugman is probably the loudest voice of Keynesian economic theory in America, if not the world. He advocates things like massive government spending in times of economic trouble with governments taking on massive amounts of debt in order to get the cash to spend, then worry about that debt later when the economy improves, and high levels of taxation to support a welfare state. Keynesian economists always have this pay it later attitude, or as Keynes himself famously said, "In the long run we are all dead." He was basically saying not to worry about debt.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dependency Day

   By Donna Cole

 Even though President Obama and Congressional Democrats claimed their Obamacare legislation was not a tax, we now know from the Supreme Court's ruling that it is in fact a tax. Of course the Democrats knew this all along, they just couldn't call the law a tax because they would have never been able to pass it. But Obamacare is more than a tax, and now that it has been ruled as Constitutional liberals have no problem calling it what it really is. Like calling it a tax, they would have never said these things before.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Racine Voter Fraud Exposed

   By Donna Cole

 Let's examine some of the known questionable things that happened in the 21st district recall election of Republican Sen.Van Wanggard, who was challenged by Democrat former state Sen. John Lehman.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The effects of Obamacare and Obamatax on you and me.

   By Donna Cole

 Now that 5 liberal judicial activists on the Supreme Court have ruled the government cannot mandate you to buy things but can tax you for not buying it, with those taxes going to subsidize those who cannot afford the tax on this non mandated item (I admit that is confusing, but it is how the Court ruled), you should get used to paying for other people's stuff. Insurance today, electric cars and solar panels tomorrow. But, let's talk about how this mandate will effect you and me with regards to health insurance. I will be rather candid in using my personal situation as an example.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The New Dixiecrats

   By Donna Cole

 For years and years the Democrat Party dominated southern politics, the Republican Party in the south was just a small side note. With the coming of the civil rights movement and efforts to end segregation in the south, many southern Democrats who opposed these things came to be known as Dixiecrats. These racists were obviously on the wrong side of history.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Andrea Mitchell reports her own liberal media bias

    By Donna Cole

 The story of NBC News' Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell running a highly edited clip of Mitt Romney on her MSNBC show, "Andrea Mitchell Reports", to make Romney look like an out of touch doofus has been widely reported on, but I wanted to also weigh in it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Political Polarization, Liberal products and Liberal lies

   By Donna Cole

 Moving into this fall's election cycle, one of the key campaign arguments that President Obama, Congressional Democrats and their proxies in the liberal media are making is that all the hyperpartisanship in government, and the nation, is a product of the political right. The Democrats are presenting themselves as the reasonable ones and that the Republicans have become too conservative. It is these unreasonable Republicans who are stopping the President from moving forward with his policies and creating a polarized hyperpartisan environment, not only in Washington D.C., but in the nation as a whole.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Some free advise for Mitt Romney

   By Donna Cole

 The latest NY Times/ CBS News poll shows a full 68% of Americans want the Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare, with only 24% in favor of the Court allowing it to stand. The poll also shows 8% of Americans have no clue what planet they are on. (Don't know, no answer) These 8% of clueless folks always show up in national polls.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

WaPo liberals try to spin the Wisconsin recall election

   By Donna Cole

 It appears to MediaPolitical that some of the liberal opinion writers at the Washington Post have now decided to start spinning what the Gov. Walker recall election is about. They want to add the reasoning of the recall to their mythology that all the polarization in politics comes from the political right and of course all fairy tales need monsters.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Walker's Last Stand

   By Donna Cole

 MediaPolitical has been doing some analysis of the polls being done in advance of Gov. Walker's recall election, this coupled with some anecdotal evidence has brought me to a rather troubling conclusion. I think Walker is not looking good for winning this election. Here is my case.

Walker's Last Stand

   By Donna Cole

 MediaPolitical has been doing some analysis of the polls being done in advance of Gov. Walker's recall election, this coupled with some anecdotal evidence has brought me to a rather troubling conclusion. I think Walker is not looking good for winning this election. Here is my case.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Poor Janesville Mary, the put upon teacher

   By Donna Cole

 On May 22nd, WITI Fox 6 Milwaukee's Beverly Taylor had this report, "Fliers seeking "non-radical teachers" in Janesville creating controversy." It is about some flyers* that were distributed around Janesville with the names and salaries of some local teachers who signed the Walker recall petition. The flyer is basically asking folks who have kids in these leftist radical's classrooms to remove them.

Poor Janesville Mary, the put upon teacher

   By Donna Cole

 On May 22nd, WITI Fox 6 Milwaukee's Beverly Taylor had this report, "Fliers seeking "non-radical teachers" in Janesville creating controversy." It is about some flyers* that were distributed around Janesville with the names and salaries of some local teachers who signed the Walker recall petition. The flyer is basically asking folks who have kids in these leftist radical's classrooms to remove them.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Right Wing Milwaukee Journal

   By Donna Cole.

 A month or so ago, I was watching The Rachel Maddow Show on MSLSD and she referred to the Milwaukee Journal as a right leaning newspaper. That gave me a big laugh at the time. But after thinking about it, I realized she had a point, albeit a highly technical and nuanced point.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My thoughts on the Wisconsin GOP's lack of a senate endorsement.

  By Donna Cole

 I just wanted share some thoughts on the Republican senate race and the GOP convention. First off, I am glad nobody has bought into Eric Hovde's junk. Hovde is no Ron Johnson in my book. I see Hovde as a guy who lived most of his professional life in Washington D.C., and what do rich folks do in D.C. ?

Monday, April 30, 2012

Fox 6 Lies ! Fox 6 Lies !

   By Donna Cole

 Milwaukee's own WITI Fox 6 news reporter Mike Lowe's "Political Lowe-down" report, "Who are David and Charles Koch ?", this weekend was a true piece of garbage. This liberal biased and totally misleading trash should not be confused with anything remotely called journalism. It is leftist propaganda.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interlopers in our midst

   By Donna Cole

in·ter·lop·er: A person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong. Synonym: intruder

 Much has been made by liberals of the Koch brothers various political donations supporting Gov. Scott Walker in both his election, and now in his recall election. To read the total liberal hysteria on this subject, much of it mythology more than fact, all one has to do is Google things like "Scott Walker Koch brothers".

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Liberal media hypocrisy reaches new heights

   By Donna Cole

 The Washington Post has an editorial that I found very surprising, and not because I am in total agreement with it either. This piece sets a new standard of measurement for liberal media hypocrisy. These editorials are not signed by any author, but are supposed to be the voice or conscience of a newspaper. None of The Post's conservative columnists are on their editorial board, only liberal columnists. The rest are editors who would probably claim to be impartial. My personal experience tells me otherwise.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Food Deserts, Liberalism, and Vicious Cycles

   By Donna Cole

 The New York Times' has this "Opinionater" piece, "Conquering food deserts with green carts" by David Bornstein. In this, Bornstein discusses "food deserts", one of our First Lady's pet projects, this idea that low income folks, mainly inner city minorities, do not have access to healthy food. So, they eat junk food and get fat. This is typical liberal thought, the person is not responsible for their actions, so their actions must have been caused by something else. Of course, then the government must find some way to "fix" this something else.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sometimes, it is what they don't say.

   By Donna Cole.

 Some folks think when the 13th day of a month falls on a Friday, it is unlucky and that bad things can happen. Others chalk it up to mere coincidence, saying unlucky things can happen on any day. But something did happen this past Friday the 13th that certainly was no mere coincidence. Finding this thing that happened was not unlucky for me, but it could be for some others.

Friday, April 13, 2012

You can't blame a girl for trying

  By Donna Cole

 Yesterday, I made this blog post, "I found the leak !". In this piece, I speculated as to the identity of the Milwaukee Journal's Danny "Boy" Bice's leak source, with regards to his reporting on the endless, and supposedly secret, Gov. Walker-John Doe investigation by Milwaukee County D.A. John Chisholm.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I found the leak !

  By Donna Cole

 This morning, WTMJ 620's Charlie Sykes interviewed former Waukesha County D.A. Paul Bucher with regards to his letter requesting the Wisconsin A.G. J.B. Van Hollen step into the Milwaukee County D.A. John Chisholm's never ending, over 500 days, obviously politically motivated and leaking details to the Milwaukee Journal's Dan Bice like Bucher said, "a sieve" (which is illegal), John Doe investigation and A.G. Van Hollen's refusal to do so.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Eulogy of the Newtonites

  By Donna Cole

 Chris Cillizza at "The Fix" has this post, "Explaining Newt Gingrich's Never Ending Presidential Campaign". Cillizza explains how Newt is out of money and he is getting hammered in these primaries. Ron Paul beat Gingrich in Illinois and polls show Dr. Paul will beat him here in Wisconsin. It is becoming an embarrassment that he carries on.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hot Liberal on Liberal Action

   By Donna Cole

  I have to say that I am not a fan of porn. I will admit though, I love some hot liberal on liberal action and what the Milwaukee Journal's Danny "Boy" Bice reports on his blog "No Quarter" shows me some passion is brewing. Well, passion might not be the exact right word, you know how porn is. But one thing is for sure, there is always a money shot.

MediaPolitical answers: Just what Mayor Tom will do, why he will and when ?

   By Donna Cole

 This post from the Milwaukee Journal's "All Politics Blog", "Barrett to announce recall plans before mayoral election", discusses when Mayor Tom will announce whether or not he is throwing his hat in the Gov. Walker recall election. From the post;

Friday, March 23, 2012

John Edwards gets caught with his pants down, again.

   By Donna Cole

 Well, it looks like John really is a John. The website DNAinfo.com has this report, "John Edwards is first name uncovered in 'Millionaire Madam' investigation". Yes, it seems John Edwards used the services of a working girl in 2007 while in New York City fundraising during his run for the Democrat Party presidential nomination.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Donna Cole asks: When does life begin for a liberal ?

  By Donna Cole

 Gene Weingarten recently had this op-ed in the Washington Post, "Another child dies in a hot car, and Gene Weingarten asks: Why was this a crime ?" Weingarten tells the story of a professional woman in Virginia with a very stressful life. She forgot about her two year old child in her car, went to work and the child died in that car. He compares it to one time he almost forgot his own young child in a car, and says the same thing could have easily happened to him.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

No one should be surprised by this.

 By Donna Cole

 Much has been made about the latest Washington Post/ ABC News poll that shows some rather abysmal numbers for President Obama, with 50% of Americans disapproving of his job performance. The liberal media wants to blame this on rising gas prices and the spin is that President has little personal control of this.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

MediaPolitical's Super Tuesday Observations and Thoughts.

  By Donna Cole. Posted 3:08 AM CST

 First off, we do not have the Alaska results yet, we don't need them because Sarah won. Yes, that was a joke. She was not on the ballot.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Misogyny, liberal style.

 By Donna Cole

 With all the talk of right wing misogyny these days, most of it a bogus invention by the bitter biddies of the left who cannot take a joke, I thought I'd share a little story of liberal male chauvinism. We all know the treatment of female Republican politicians here in Wisconsin by the left. Beyond disgusting would be a serious understatement of the things liberals have said about them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Here's the Flop.

 By Donna Cole

 After last Friday's titanic diplomatic disaster at the United Nations by the Obama administration, their failure to pass a strong U.N. resolution against Syria because Russia and China vetoed it, it seems they spent the weekend mulling over what to do.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The N.Y. Times' Race Baiter in Chief

  By Donna Cole

  On his N.Y. Times' blog, "The Loyal Opposition", editorial board chief Andy Rosenthal latest post,"Maybe They Should Just Start Super Pacs" argues against freezing federal worker pay to offset the cost of extending payroll tax cuts. The predictable liberal position. We can put this debate aside because that is not why I am writing this. I am writing about the author of that piece, Rosenthal.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hope on Sunday ?

By Donna Cole

 I would put Ross Douthat pretty high on the list of the most ideological liberal opinion writers at the New York Times. Perhaps fourth or fifth. So, there is no doubt Mr. Douthat is a big time lefty, which is why his, dare I say brilliant, Sunday opinion column, "Government and Its Rivals" so surprised me.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Bad Movie

 By Donna Cole

 The Oscar folks should have waited to make their award nominations. They could have included President Obama's State of the Union performance last night in the Best Actor category. When one watches a movie, you must suspend reality in order to believe the lead actor can pull off amazing feats and one must leap through the looking glass to enter the President's high budget flick.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mr. Kane, May I sell my can ?

By Donna Cole

 Milwaukee Journal columnist Eugene Kane's recent op-ed, "Groups feed hunger for information about voter IDs", discusses an effort, and a honorable one, to educate folks what identification they need to legally vote.

 I have no problem whatsoever with educating legal citizens about their right to vote. As a matter of fact, I encourage it. I want citizens to be knowledgeable about politics and to vote their personal opinion.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wolf ! Wolf ! Racist !

By Donna Cole

 As a white conservative, if I make this statement, "Black folks like fried chicken", I would be accused of racial stereotyping. Of course, I would be generalizing, not all black folks like fried chicken, but liberals would call me a racist for making this statement.