Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Dependency Day

   By Donna Cole

 Even though President Obama and Congressional Democrats claimed their Obamacare legislation was not a tax, we now know from the Supreme Court's ruling that it is in fact a tax. Of course the Democrats knew this all along, they just couldn't call the law a tax because they would have never been able to pass it. But Obamacare is more than a tax, and now that it has been ruled as Constitutional liberals have no problem calling it what it really is. Like calling it a tax, they would have never said these things before.

 Slate's Matthew Yglesias twists himself into a pretzel trying to write an article about how Obamacare is good for small business even though he has to admit things like, "It (Obamacare) collects taxes from the prosperous" and that Obamacare has "plenty to dislike if you’re the sort of prosperous person who owns or manages a small or medium-sized firm."

 Yglesias justifies his argument by pointing out that firms with under 50 employees will get special tax breaks and other subsidies. Here Yglesias' liberalism shows in his utter lack of any clue about how to grow the economy, or how jobs and wealth are created. What incentive would these small firms have to grow beyond 50 employees if they would lose these tax breaks and subsidies ? None, Obamacare just put a cap on the growth of these businesses.

 Firms with more than 50 employees will either have to provide insurance or pay a tax, which is what the Democrats still are trying to call a penalty. Because the tax is much cheaper than providing insurance, most will dump their employees on the public exchanges, this was designed into Obamacare on purpose. But this tax has another effect.

 The tax is levied per employee. The more employees, the more tax paid. When you raise the cost of labor, employers will use less of it, meaning less job creation. Also, when you raise the cost of labor it raises the costs of good and services produced or provided by that labor. When the consumer has to pay more for it, they will either use less of it or not have money to spend on other things. This suppresses economic growth and becomes a cycle, with one result producing and feeding into the other. 

 Either way, over or under 50 employees, the rules in Obamacare are job creation killers. Besides Yglesias showing his economic knowledge is limited to putting a quarter in a gumball machine, he makes another rather startling admission in his piece. Something he would have never said about Obamacare before, but now says it rather casually. He writes in the conclusion of his piece;
"The health care bill is, all things considered, the largest income-redistribution program enacted in decades."

 So in fact, Obamacare is not a health care program at all, it is a social program. But don't take my word for it, take the NY Times' editorial board chief Andy Rosenthal's word for it. On his "Taking Note" blog, Rosenthal has a post about Congress voting to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt. He writes that no one really noticed this because of the Supreme Court's ruling on Obamacare, which he refers to as, "the most important piece of social legislation in generations."

 What do we know about the success of all the other liberal social programs ? They have failed in their stated purpose, to lift people out of poverty. However, I do not believe these programs were ever intended to lift people out of poverty because the results of them have been to keep people in poverty. They have created a multi-generational government dependency culture of people with no motivation to get off the dole and who will loyally vote for Democrats that keep signing the checks.

 This is the real purpose of all social programs, to create and grow a base of political power. It is why liberals constantly seek to expand the welfare state under the guise of spending more money on programs to increase their effectiveness. In fact, it is to get more and more people dependent on the government for their daily needs to expand the liberal power base. Liberals know that just like a drug addict, once you get a person hooked on government benefits it is nearly, if not impossible to get them off.

 Next, you remove any social stigma to living on the dole by making it multi-generational. Once a child is raised in this system, they see nothing wrong with it and it is the only way of life they know. You also indoctrinate these children through a public education system that teaches them they have somehow been cheated by others and are thus entitled to these things, this is called social justice theory.

 Lastly, liberals threaten these people dependent on government that the other political side will take away their life giving benefits so they will vote for them. It is through this process, and with the help of their media propagandists, that liberals who represent a small minority of the population (20%) have much more political power than their numbers suggest they should.

 We now know that Obamacare had nothing to do with improving health care because no social program in history has improved any of their stated purposes. We know that these programs are all failures and cost vast sums more than originally stated. We also know that these social programs divide society between the makers and the takers, and that is the real purpose of Obamacare. A massive expansion of the liberal power base, the takers.

 So, while we celebrate Independence Day, July 4th 1776, you should remember the date we lost our independence, June 28th 2012, or what we should call Dependency Day, the day America died a victim of liberal social engineering. I guess one could say the United States of America had a good run as far as nation states go, I just didn't think I'd be around to see the end of it.

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