Saturday, September 8, 2012

Obama the War Criminal ? No, it can't be.

   By Donna Cole

  MediaPolitical found an interesting little editorial in Saturday's New York Times. It seems the Obama administration has tried to deny some prisoners at Guantanamo Bay access to their lawyers and a Federal Judge smacked down the Constitutional lawyer who also happens to be our President.

 You remember Guantanamo Bay don't you ? You know, that wicked horrible prison down in Cuba where 'ole evil George Bush locked up those lovable terrorists, the place then candidate Obama promised, besides stopping the sea level to rise, that he would close. The place that the liberal media went on and on and on about when Bush was president, but then fell so silent about once Obama took office, I thought you may have forgotten about it. Believe it or not, it's still there and doing brisk business.

 In what the Times describes as a "scalding opinion" a Federal Judge said that President Obama's new rules that limit access to counsel for prisoners is "an untenable challenge to the separation of powers" and "the administration had improperly given itself “final, unreviewable power to delay, hinder or prevent access to the courts, ” which amounted to “executive fiat.”

 Oh my, executive fiat ? Well, we know the President has shown time and time again that he enjoys using his executive pen, or fiat, to impose regulations on things like the energy industry when he cannot get an actual law passed through Congress, so why not do it at his little private prison way down in Cuba ? As we say in the south, The Judge didn't take to kindly to that.

 Remember besides closing down Guantanamo, Obama said that the prisoners would be given their day in an American court ? This is from the Times piece;
 A decade after the first prisoners were taken to Guantánamo, “not a single one has been fully tried or convicted of any crime,” the Judge wrote.
 The Times piece concludes with this line, "He (the Judge) is completely right in his insistence that the administration respect the rule of law."

 MediaPolitical gives the Times, which has actively used it's editorial page to defend and shield President Obama from criticisms like this, credit for writing this editorial. But, it did appear in the Saturday edition on page A-20. They could have put it front and center on the Sunday edition if they really wanted to make a big deal out of it. This way, they can't be accused of not offering an opinion, and at the same time not turn it into a big stink.

 Speaking of a big stink. Where is Code Pink ? Why are they not wailing and rubbing ashes in their hair over this outrageous behavior by President Obama. Where is the usual gang of "payroll protesters" the left buses in to march in front of the White House (or wherever else they are protesting something), banging on bongo drums, burning Obama in effigy and demanding he and Vice President Joe Biden be hauled off to the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague to be tried for this injustice?

 I'll tell you what you can hear from the left since Obama took office on things like Guantanamo Bay, which he never made any attempt to close once taking office, his own version of a military surge in Afghanistan, dropping bombs on Libya, and assassinating American citizens in foreign countries without trial. Nothing. You can hear a pin drop, absolute silence.

 This proves that for all their protests, outrage, anti war blah blah blah nonsense, it was just that, nonsense. These people, these radical leftists never gave a crap about the wars, water boarding, torture, renditions, secret or off shore prisons, war crimes, any of it. They hated George Bush because he was a Republican. And their silence on this issue since Obama took office proves it, the whole lot of them are just a bunch of liberal hypocrites. But a liberal being a hypocrite shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, even a liberal.

 Remember this the next time you see this ugly lot protesting something, they don't care about any issue. They protest because they hate. As an example, if a Democrat governor would have done the public employee pay and benefit reforms in Wisconsin that Republican Gov. Walker did, the left would have never said a word, much less took to the streets. Those reforms, like the wars, were just their excuse. Their anger is driven by hate and nothing else. Their outrage is phony. And it always has been.

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