Thursday, June 28, 2012

The effects of Obamacare and Obamatax on you and me.

   By Donna Cole

 Now that 5 liberal judicial activists on the Supreme Court have ruled the government cannot mandate you to buy things but can tax you for not buying it, with those taxes going to subsidize those who cannot afford the tax on this non mandated item (I admit that is confusing, but it is how the Court ruled), you should get used to paying for other people's stuff. Insurance today, electric cars and solar panels tomorrow. But, let's talk about how this mandate will effect you and me with regards to health insurance. I will be rather candid in using my personal situation as an example.

 My insurance policy has doubled in price in the last two years, the company cited new requirements in Obamacare as the reason for this price increase. I can barely afford it now. I have a very basic, high deductible HSA that offers very little primary care coverage, but I like this plan and it works for me. This plan does not meet the minimum requirements for Obamacare. I will be forced off this plan because the insurance company will no longer be able to offer it. So much for keeping my choice of health insurance as the President promised I could.

 I am not in a high income bracket, so as the President said in his speech today, I will get a "credit" to make up the difference in what I can't afford. Here is where you are going to come in this because you are going to pay for my "credit." I know you don't want to pay for my insurance, and I do not want you to pay for my insurance. But, under the Obamatax health plan, you will be forced to do this.

 My husband gets his insurance through his employer. Because of how his employer offers his insurance, and that he is much older than me and has medical issues, it has been cheaper for us to keep our policies separate. His employer will now drop his insurance, pay the fine because it's cheaper and throw him on the government exchange. For how you will now be paying for his insurance too, refer to what I wrote previously.

 I should add this, every single person reading this who works for a private sector employer, you will be thrown off of your company's insurance too. This was designed into the Obamacare law, the employer has no insentive what so ever to keep providing employees insurance. The Democrats did this knowing Obamacare will eventually bust the insurance companies and lead to a single payer government run program.

 Given the position Obamacare has put me in, it will be cheaper for me to pay the fine. Which will mean that President Obama actually took my insurance away. But, I am not going to pay the fine. So, I guess the best thing we can do is for my husband to quit his job and we just go on the dole.

 Thanks President Obama, you just gave me good reason to become a food stamp welfare mama. But I think that was the Democrat's intention from the start. I just hope Democrats have a plan for when everybody like me is on the dole. I seem to remember a quote by some famous woman named Margaret Thatcher, it went something like this, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend."

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