Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Bad Movie

 By Donna Cole

 The Oscar folks should have waited to make their award nominations. They could have included President Obama's State of the Union performance last night in the Best Actor category. When one watches a movie, you must suspend reality in order to believe the lead actor can pull off amazing feats and one must leap through the looking glass to enter the President's high budget flick.

 Some know it is only a movie, yet there are many who still want to make this leap into what is already known. The people have watched this bad movie before as every liberal idea, program and policy has failed miserably, leaving behind it a reality of human destruction. But liberals want to live in the President's movie fantasy and deny reality.

 Conservatives have watched in horror as liberals, unions and Democrats do what they do, destroy. They have organized their Socialist revolution for sixty years and what has it brought ? Failed schools, failed social programs, broken communities, ruined cities, business and manufacturing crushed and driven offshore, a genocide that has murdered countless millions of the unborn, a godless cult of Progressivism with no tolerance for religion and no faith in our Founding Father's vision or in man's right to self determination.

 Liberalism has created oppressive regulation and taxation that are toxic for business growth, which brings unemployment creating greater income inequality. This income inequality creates more dependency on government, thus the Keynesian mad scientist in our movie must grow his evil creation, the monster of government, bigger and bigger. It is these liberal policies that have created a cradle to casket culture of dependency and multi generational wards of the state.

 All these liberal creations bring destruction with them. Human lives destroyed, massive public debt and economic ruin. As the budget for this bad movie grows larger, liberals only answer to these problems they created is to flush more taxpayer money down the ever expanding whirpool in the toilet of government growth.

 We watched the films of Marx and Keynes both flop. We watched the failure of Eastern European Communism. We are watching the end of Western European Socialism. Hopefully our movie ends with last night's showing as this President's last, otherwise, we already know the end. We have seen it before.

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