Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My thoughts on the Wisconsin GOP's lack of a senate endorsement.

  By Donna Cole

 I just wanted share some thoughts on the Republican senate race and the GOP convention. First off, I am glad nobody has bought into Eric Hovde's junk. Hovde is no Ron Johnson in my book. I see Hovde as a guy who lived most of his professional life in Washington D.C., and what do rich folks do in D.C. ?

 They hobnob with other rich and powerful folks. In D.C. those folks would be senators. Regardless of how much money Hovde had, he was never a senator. I think he wants to be one and go back to D.C. so he can work the party circuit finally as a big wig. At the end of the day, I don't trust the guy. Yeah, I did just write you off there dude, nothing personal. Save your money, the base will never trust or support you.

 Sorry Tommy supporters, I don't carry any of that old baggage you do, and as far as I am concerned, Wisconsin owes Tommy nothing other than a cheap baseball cap. Oh wait, didn't we give him one of those when he retired 20 years ago ? Forget those jokes, to me, Tommy is a pro life Democrat with a red jacket on, the end.

 I would fully support Jeff Fitzgerald if I thought he could win. I don't think the Assembly Speaker can. I know that Fitzgerald thinks this should be his reward for playing party ball, but it is a sad day in Wisconsin when Tammy Baldwin has a 3 or 4 to 1 name recognition ratio to you. And she can raise money at those same ratios too.

 This leaves us with Mark Neumann. I got bad blood with Neumann, as many of us do. And Neumann had his chance to run for senate, but he decided to run against Walker for governor. That not only opened the door for Ron Johnson, thank goodness, it poisoned my blood to Neumann.

 I'll leave aside some other shortcomings that Neumann has, his conservative street cred is legit. Neumann was Tea Party long before there was a Tea Party. His willingness to be confrontational with his own party is an asset, not a liability. Neumann also has experience in campaigning and organizing statewide. If Tommy can put his own vanity aside, it would help a lot.

 I understand that old guard Tommy folks went for Fitzgerald to keep Neumann from getting the party endorsement, but I want the candidate who can first beat the Tammster, second go to Washington D.C. and make people as mad as I was at Neumann after what he tried to do to Walker.

 So, in this case, I like bad blood, because I know what to expect from Mark Neumann, and I got no problem with that. I say, let Mark Neumann join Ron Johnson to make all sorts of bad blood in Washington D.C..

 Making that bad blood is something I know Tommy will not do and I doubt Fitzgerald will have the guts to do. I don't need to doubt when I know Neumann will.

 Ask me what candidate I support ? I think I made it clear that I support the candidate who wins the nomination, and I will vote for that candidate in the general election.

 I just don't want us to beat up on each other and allow the Tammster to win a seat we should. How about three of these guys bowing out and clearing the way ? We don't want anymore bad blood in Wisconsin do we ?

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