Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mother knows best ? Not hardly.

 By Donna Cole

 Mark Bittman has one of the most unique jobs at the NY Times. He writes a political food column. Most food columnists write from a non-political angle, just what tastes good or bad and they have a dining section for this. But Bittman's column appears on the opinion page were he preaches the left wing gospel of food.

 Bittman enjoys telling (ordering) folks what foods they should and should not eat. He really gets off on telling you what you should feed your kids and Happy Meals are not on the menu. Because he thinks your fat, stupid and cannot control your eating habits, the government should regulate the "bad" food to force you to be skinny. While you'll still be stupid, at least you will be what a liberal thinks healthy is.

 Bittman's most recent op-ed is no exception. In "Cereal ? Cookies ? Oh, What's the Diff ?"  he rants about how high sugar cereals marketed to kids are as addictive as cocaine. I have yet to see any kids, with empty cereal bowls in hand, stumbling around like crack head zombies looking for their next fix of Captain Crunch, but let's leave that aside.

 He writes that most kids cereals have more sugar than Oreo cookies and even more than the cream filled spawn of Satan, Twinkies. Of course, he finds a way to blame Republicans for the lack of regulation on BIG CEREAL. In Bittman's mind, Count Chocula has been stalking the shadows of Congress, filling Republican's bowls full of sugary sweet chocolate flavored money.

 One of Bittman's big ideas is government regulation of sugar levels in cereal. He says these regulations must be mandated industry wide, because the sugar hustlers will not voluntarily comply with Bittman's rules. He also demands the end of marketing cereal to children because, beside kids crack like addiction to the stuff, they crave cereal due to a "bombardment" of advertising. Yes, he wants to put Tony the Tiger and the Lucky Charm's leprechaun in the unemployment line with Joe Camel.

 This is a perfect example of a liberal who knows better than you do what you and your family should eat. He knows better than you how to raise your kids. If you will not listen to Bittman, then he wants the government to force you to.

 This is the core of liberalism, no faith whatsoever in an individual's ability to make choices for themselves. Liberals feel the need to get into every crunchy nook and cranny of your life, then micromanage it from a far away centralized government. A government that cares so deeply for you, that they do not believe you know what is best for your own children. But they do.

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