Monday, March 26, 2012

Hot Liberal on Liberal Action

   By Donna Cole

  I have to say that I am not a fan of porn. I will admit though, I love some hot liberal on liberal action and what the Milwaukee Journal's Danny "Boy" Bice reports on his blog "No Quarter" shows me some passion is brewing. Well, passion might not be the exact right word, you know how porn is. But one thing is for sure, there is always a money shot.

 Bice's blog post, "Pro-Falk group being led by out-of-state operatives ", is about an out of state, union backed, group that has seemingly appeared out of thin air to back Kathy Falk "You Wisconsin" in her bid to unseat Gov. Walker. From Bice's piece;

"Wisconsin for Falk is a union front group that - despite its name - is being led by many out-of-state operatives intent on defeating Republican Gov. Scott Walker."

"In fact, only one of the nine individuals running Wisconsin for Falk's field offices has a Wisconsin cellphone number. The others list numbers from New York, Nebraska, Chicago, Oklahoma, St. Louis and Michigan."

"The group is receiving money and support from the Wisconsin Education Association Council, the state's largest teachers union, and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the main public employee union."

 Now, Bice's piece is a hit job on this pro Falk group, no question about it, and he calls them out for what they are. Out of state, union hacks and goons and he is right to do this. But what we need to examine here is why Bice is going after them. First, a little background.

 As MediaPolitical reported, "MediaPolitical answers: Just what Mayor Tom will do, why he will and when ?", Mayor Tom is going to run against Falk in the Democrat primary because he wants a re-match with Walker.I reported why Mayor Tom is waiting to announce his run, he has a nasty little mayoral election to win first. He doesn't want to announce his intentions to run for governor until he has the mayoral election wrapped up.

 Well, the unions all back Falk and they do not want Mayor Tom to run because they want no real challenge to Falk. The want a clean primary, a film called, "The Coronation of Kathy". But the unions got a problem, Mayor Tom, and the union goons don't like 3-ways in their flicks. They want it to be just Gov. Walker and Kathy, no distractions. So, they have got to get Mayor Tom out of their picture. Why does the union fear Mayor Tom ? Because they know in that a hot lefty on lefty action scene, Mayor Tom will come out on top.

 Back to question of why is Bice pulling this hit job on this pro Falk group ? He is a liberal after all and must support the Democrats in the Walker recall. It is because the Milwaukee liberal crowd are all lining up to see Mayor Tom's flick. The Milwaukee Journal, and Bice, are big Mayor Tom fans, Kathy's fans are the Madison liberal crowd and Bice is more than willing to do a little dirty work for Mayor Tom. So, Bice is taking the first shot of what is going to prove to be a pretty good flick. If hot liberal on liberal action is your thing.

 I am just going to sit back and watch Kathy and Mayor Tom go at it hard and love every minute of it. This flick is going to have many more money shots, this was just the first scene. I imagine Gov. Walker will be enjoying the show too.

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