Friday, March 23, 2012

John Edwards gets caught with his pants down, again.

   By Donna Cole

 Well, it looks like John really is a John. The website has this report, "John Edwards is first name uncovered in 'Millionaire Madam' investigation". Yes, it seems John Edwards used the services of a working girl in 2007 while in New York City fundraising during his run for the Democrat Party presidential nomination. reports that this lady of the evening revealed the details of she and the former North Carolina Senator and presidential candidate's liaison and the services rendered while being questioned by the Manhattan D.A. during an investigation into her pimp, the 'Millionaire Madam' Anna Gristina in 2008. also reports this business arrangement was contracted by an Edwards' campaign aide, but no details of the deals cost were revealed as this was a private transaction and we at MediaPolitical are sure no receipts were kept by the concerned parties for tax purposes.

 The Manhattan D.A. was able to verify Edwards was in fact in New York City, staying in the swank Loews Regency Hotel, which is on ritzy Park Ave. in the posh Upper East Side, at the time of this dalliance.  A hotel reports Edwards spent thousands of dollars renting rooms in and the same hotel where he met the mother of his love child, the bogus Edwards' campaign video biographer Rielle Hunter. Sounds like Johnny was raising a lot more than funds at the Loews Regency.

 The D.A.'s office said it found the mistress for hire's story credible, due to all the sordid details she provided, but they decided not to charge Bad Boy Edwards because they said it is hard to prove these type cases. Yeah right. They also did not report this tryst to the Feds, citing it was a "low level" offense. It certainly was low and rather offensive, but do you think it might have had anything to do with the Manhattan D.A. being a liberal too ? Just maybe ?

 John Edwards is pure slime, a true piece of human garbage. If it wasn't for Barry Obama running in Democrat primary, Edwards could very well be the president now and his actions make Bill Clinton look like a piker. Do you realize how as president he could have been blackmailed with this info and how reckless this behavior is ? It almost in a way makes me glad Barry Obama ran.

 For all John put his poor wife Elizabeth through with his philandering before she passed away, at least she is now in a better place and doesn't have to also bear this humiliation.

 For the record: Edwards', who is in court fighting charges right now he illegally used $1 million dollars of campaign donations to pay his love child's mother, Rielle Hunter, hush money, lawyers deny this story and have demanded a retraction. stands behind their double sourced story.

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