Sunday, March 4, 2012

Misogyny, liberal style.

 By Donna Cole

 With all the talk of right wing misogyny these days, most of it a bogus invention by the bitter biddies of the left who cannot take a joke, I thought I'd share a little story of liberal male chauvinism. We all know the treatment of female Republican politicians here in Wisconsin by the left. Beyond disgusting would be a serious understatement of the things liberals have said about them.

 One could argue that as a public figure, it comes with the territory. In a liberals mind, it's perfectly fine to make death threats, threats against these Republican women's children, poke fun at the fact they had cancer and wish for a relapse. We all know liberals have no shame or conscience, at least until they climb on their high horse of self righteousness to claim others do not.

 Liberals, both male and female, seem to harbor a special hatred for conservative women. They think that all women should march in lockstep, without question, in supporting the murder of unborn children and whatever other nonexistent "special rights" they have dreamed up this week for women only. When we do not toe the liberal line, we get their special brand of hate. Which brings us to the following story, it gives us a little peek at your average liberal males misogynistic view of conservative women.

 Vicki McKenna discussed this on her WISN radio show, but MediaPolitical was also contacted by this woman and I wanted to share her story with my readers. The following is an email exchange between a conservative woman, call her Jane, her husband and a liberal man, call him Sam. Sam also happens to work at the same job as Jane's husband, this is how they know one another. ( The names have been changed for privacy reasons.)

 Jane is a stay at home mom and she had read this article on, "Five Things Children Know That Liberals Have Forgotten" by John Hawkins. The title gives you a good idea what the article is about. I have argued in the past that liberals never develop a conscience as a child thus they grow into the adult monsters many of them are, still acting out like two year olds as adults with totally unreasonable demands of others.

 Hawkin's argues that children know things, such as life isn't fair, there are winners and losers and no one owes you a living and that liberals have forgotten these rather simple facts of life. In their attempts to right these perceived and invented wrongs, like affirmative action, liberals have actually made things worse, not better.

 Jane thought this was a good piece and wanted to share it with her friends. So, she emailed the link out to all her contacts. She offered no other thoughts or comments, just the link. Shorty after this, Jane's husband received the following email from Sam the liberal;

"Not exactly an erudite composition on the matter by my standards. I still think she might enjoy working outside the home to re-socialize...there are dangers to this type of runaway lunacy. Look at what Rush has become, etc. Racial bigotry like that is just SO unattractive.
Best regards, Sam"

 The gaul this chauvinist pig has to not even directly address Jane, but to contact her husband as if he is supposed to go home and spank his dog for peeing on the floor, is incredible. This email just oozes with condescension and hate that he displays for the fact she is a stay at home mom. Because of this, he thinks she needs to re-socialize ? I'm sure Sam's idea of socialization is for her to be a good little girl and never dispute bunk liberal ideology again.

 Sam must be referring to Hawkins writing about the fact that affirmative action causes reverse discrimination, and many times keeps the best applicant for a position from getting it, when he uses the term "racial bigotry". There is no racial bigotry in that statement, it is true. Any liberal who denies it is a liar.

 But let's examine Sam's whole sentence there. "Racial bigotry like that is just SO unattractive." The implication there is unavoidable. Any conservative who questions things like affirmative action cannot even be debated with on these issues because they are considered to be racists by liberals. The fact Jane would endorse this article makes her a racist too in Sam's eyes. Liberals refuse to admit that their social policies might actually be the racist ones that caused the destruction of the black community. So, they continue to pour taxpayer money into them to prove they are right without any ability to stand back and see, or admit, the damage they have done.

 Now, as I am sure many of you are thinking, my knee jerk reaction to this is why didn't Jane's husband give this liberal goon a black eye for saying that about his wife ? Then, once you calm down, remember that we conservatives are supposed to be the civil ones. We are not allowed by the liberal rules to criticize total incivility from the left. In this respect, Jane and her husband took the high ground. This was Jane's response to Sam, who I am sure thought his critique of her was SO witty, even though it comes across as being written by a lowbrowed caveman;

"Thanks Sam!  And liberals think they are the smart ones."

 These folks here are not public figures but are personal acquaintances and co-workers. This liberal can face them with no shame, because he has none. Sam has no personal conscience at all and with that, no sense of personal responsibility for his actions. It is different for public figures, as a blogger I know very well the hate I receive daily in my email inbox. We put our name out there and take the abuse that comes with voicing our opinions. For me, it comes with the territory. But liberal public figures do not like the taste of their own medicine.

 Even the most minor transgressions of the liberal rules of civility, which only apply to the right, such as Rush Limbaugh calling a radical lefty feminist and operative for the Democrat party what she is, bought and paid for, elicits fictitious foaming mouth rage from liberals and a full on assault by their ivory tower propaganda masters.

 If an apology is offered for spilled milk, it is rejected out of hand and simply turned around as an admission of guilt to some phony, trumped up charge. This is why I have no qualms calling them who they are and make no apology for calling these mental children what they are. And why I have no problem calling Sam the liberal what he is, a disgusting liberal misogynist.

Yes Sam, your a pinko pig. Don't fret your poor, weak, little, liberal, bleeding, heart though. Pinko pigs like you are a dime a dozen.

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