Saturday, August 6, 2011

"American Exceptionalism" and the dangers of progressivism.

by D.C.,May,5,2011

This socialist democrat party,under the leadership of Hussein Obama and the wicked witch of the west Nancy Pelosi have shown for all to see their true progressive/social justice ideology,,,and they have been roundly rejected by the American people at every level of government,but progressives have no respect for the electoral process or the will of the electorate.

Oh,how I long for the days when the democrat party wasn't controled by America hating progressive socialists and was run by decent,god fearing,America loving types like Tip O'Neal....At least those democrats actually loved America and they understood what made America unique and special...It's called "American Exceptionalism"....This idea was never questioned by anyone on either political side,,at least until the democrat party was highjacked the fringe progressives and their straw man,Hussein Obama....

Shit,for what a god awful and very liberal president he was,even Jimmy Carter understood and believed in American Exceptionalism.(I question if he still does now) Bill Clinton was a shining example of American Exceptionalism,but he was last democrat politican to believe this,Hillary does not.

The progressives who control the democrat party now do not believe in the foundation of America under god,the Constitution or the concept of American Exceptionalism.Thats something that wasn't even debatable with an old school liberal democrat..

The fact that progressives don't believe in these ideas not only makes them unAmerican,it makes them very dangerous to this country and their ideology should not be given any merit.Progressivism should be exposed as the mental sickness it is.

They believe in an impotent American government that bows to the feet of unelected foreigners in the united nations,who believe that America should not only be equal with all other nations,we should be on our knees and begging for forgiveness because of our perceived past trangressions.(They achieve this by the destruction of the American currency value and burying America in an unpayable amount of debt.)Those perceived transgressions would be the worldwide promotion of the American values of democracy,equal justice and individual freedom.

These progressive ideas are in direct conflict with the entire concept of "American Exceptionalism",a concept that the founding fathers enshrined in the Constitution and is thus the foundation stone of the entire concept of America.

The Constitution not only compels us to live by American values here,it compels us to spread these ideas around the world,much the same way the Bible compels Christians to evangelize the word of Christ.

So as long as the Constitution exists,it keeps in check the cancerous spread of progressivism.This is the whole reason it is key to the progressive movement to eliminate the Constitution by means such as; ignore the Constitution,by liberal judicial activists,who I refuse to call judges because the word judge implies that their is some fairness,equality and respect for Constitutional law in their decisions,thus making the courts mearly a vehicle for the promotion of progressive ideology such as rulings to remove the Christian version of god from public schools or forced busing to supposedly end racial segregation(forced busing had nothing to do with racial inequality,that was mearly their excuse,it's totally about the redistrubution of wealth) then those very same liberal judicial activists rule that those same public schools must respect islamic traditions,install foot baths and gender segregated muslim prayer rooms.

Discredit the Constitution through passing unconstitutional laws in the legislature,signed by the executive,laws which are then upheld by liberal judicial activist courts,such as firearms bans, government healthcare forced on the individual by illegal taxation or unchecked corporate regulation through forced worker unionization,a.k.a. card check.

Disrespect the Constitution through violations of constitutional law,such as overturning the results of fair elections through the judicial activist courts,when the executive branch refuses to enforce Constitutionally passed laws such as the Defence of Marrage Act or enforce constitutional mandates such as the protection of the nation's borders.

Destruction of Constitutional checks and balances on the executive by unconstitutional executive orders,such as the appointment of unaccountable czars and the creation of agencies beyond the check of congress like Obama's creation of a global warming panel that operates out of the executive budget and thus is beyond any congressional oversight,giving those czars and agencies unconstitutional powers such as levying taxes or creating rules such as the enforcement of carbon emissons rules through the E.P.A. without any legally passed law giving them such authority,or attacking sovereign nations without the consent of congress. Obama only needed the consent of the united nations to attack Libya,it never even crossed his mind to ask congress nor does he care for the approval of congress because he only needed the approval of foreigners.

The progressives promote their social justice ideology through the promotion of un American values such as the elimination of Christian values,the pledge of allegiance and respect for the American flag in public schools,by using those publicly funded schools to indoctrinate the youth of America into the ideology of socal justice by teaching such things as the totally discredited theory of man caused global warming,the use of contraception instead of abstence,advocating the use of mariguana,teaching children a lack of respect for the Constitution by twisting the meanings of things such as the 1st and 2nd Amendments,distorting history by painting the founding fathers as vicious white christian male chauvinist slave owners, by refusing to teach the idea that God might have created man or that America is one nation under God, instead they teach a denial of the existence of God,at least in a Christian sense .

By the destruction and enslavement of the working middle class through repressive and oppressive taxation in order to redistribute the nation's wealth to a permanent welfare/entitlement class of blacks,hispanics and illegal foreign tresspassers.

The more entitlements you give people the more poverty you create.One creates the other so it becomes a vicious never ending cycle.All one has to do is look at the black community to see this in action.This is a direct result of the progressive "great society" legislation from the 1960's.It didn't create much of a great society,only more poverty and dependence on government.

The redistribution of wealth is not only a morally corrupt ideology that flys in the face of the most basic of American values,that would be the idea of private ownership of property,that property being the money a person earns,it's just plain and simple theft.

By allowing non english speaking illegal foreigners to come here and run amuck,living off the social welfare system,disrespecting the American way of life with no enforcement of legal consequenses,i.e.deporting the criminals,yes they are criminals because they broke the law by illegally entering this country.

I refuse to call them immigrants,because the word immigrant implies a person who comes here with the intention of becoming an American by learning the language,respecting the laws and assimilating into American society,these illegal tresspassers come here with no such intentions.

By the progressive's cult of death through the abortion of the white Christian race.

Once Obama pulled back the curtain and revealed who Oz was,by putting us 3 trillion dollars in debt in less than 2 years with nothing to show for it other than the expansion of an already too big government,the American people rejected those ideas and the 2010 elections prove that...So,I am not alone in knowing what progressivism is and understanding the damage these people are actively trying to do to this country.

They are actively and with full knowledge of the consequenses of their actions trying to destroy the foundation of this country by destroying the value of the currency thus destroying the standing of the United States in the world and creating a permenant debter nation,destroying the Constitution and with it American Exceptionalism...with the ultimate goal of creating a socialist welfare state and removing any and all Constitutional rights of the individual.

So,remember,every time you vote for a democrat,you are actively supporting these goals.

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