Friday, August 26, 2011

Pee Wee thinks we should protest on Labor Day.I couldn't agree with him more.

By D.C.

Well,we get our weekly "SMALL" dose of wisdom today from the "CRYING MAN IN ELEVATOR SHOES".You guessed it,the "SAWED OFF SHRIMP" and F.O.B. (Friend of Bill) ,"LITTLE BOBBY" Reich has posted his weekly column."LITTLE BOBBY" has an idea how we should spend our Labor Day weekend.
(If you haven't figured it out,"LITTLE BOBBY" makes horse jockeys feel tall.I fully admit to taking cheap shots at his "Napoleonesque" stature.Hey,at least I'm not calling him a racist or anything that isn't true.)

In "SHORTY'S" Aug 25th post,"This Labor Day, we need protests",he writes;
 "Labor Day is traditionally a time for picnics and parades. But this year is no picnic for American workers, and a protest march would be more appropriate than a parade."

Woe there "LITTLE BUDDY",Just who should we be protesting? Why did I ask,I already know the answer."LITTLE BOBBY'S" short man complex has tripped off his anger with those "BIG" and rather "LARGE",evil money grubbing,corporations.How dare those "BIG" CEO's,in their "TALL" buildings,earn such "HUGE" profits! (No,I'm not going to stop with the cheap shots,this is what is known as a "target rich environment".)

"PEE WEE" is all hacked off about the jobs situation.He pulls out the typical,tired,old,lefty class warfare crap.He lays the blame for most the ills of the country at the "BIG" feet of corporate America.

But "SHORTY" is also tired of being looked down on by the president.Being that "LITTLE BOBBY" is already so close to the ground he takes this dig at Barry O.,he writes;
 "Perhaps there would still be something to celebrate on Labor Day if government was coming to the rescue. But Washington is paralyzed, the President seems unwilling or unable to take on labor-bashing Republicans, and several Republican governors are mounting direct assaults on organized labor (see Indiana, Ohio, Maine, and Wisconsin, for example)."

Wait a minute,was that a "SMALL" shot at the president or a "BIG" shot at the Republicans? That Bobby,he's a crafty "LITTLE FELLA" ain't he?

To end his "SHORT" post,he writes;
 "So let's bag the picnics and parades this Labor Day. American workers should march in protest. They're getting the worst deal they've had since before Labor Day was invented -- and the economy is suffering as a result."

Listen "SHORT STUFF",I'll tell you who the American workers should protest.They should protest the president and his hair brained policies.You write about Washington being paralyzed,I'll tell you who is paralyzed.

Business is paralyzed.They are paralyzed with fear of the president.They are paralyzed with fear of his regulatory hammer coming down on them.They are paralyzed with fear of what Obamacare is going to do to their bottom line.They are paralyzed with fear that in 15 months this president is re-elected,his merry band of wackos (congressional democrats) regain control of congress and these moonbats drop a nuclear tax bomb on them.(I guess that bomb could be called "LITTLE MAN REICH".)

So my "WEE LAD",you think workers should protest on Labor Day? I agree with you.Those workers should join the Tea Party and protest the obscene anti-business policies of this radical leftist president.

My apologies to those who are vertically challenged.....Oh come on,lighten up!

Here's a classic video of LITTLE BOBBY,sitting in his high chair,claiming on CNBC that the stimulus is working and let's just say some others can't control their facial expressions.

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