Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Madison moonbat finds George Will vapid.

By D.C.

In his Washington Post column last week,Aug 25,"Liberals’ Wisconsin Waterloo",George Will discusses the recall election results and the failure of the left.A Madison liberal moonbat takes exception with Mr.Will's column and writes a letter to the editor about his feelings.His letter is rather vapid.

This moonbats' letter,"Wisconsin’s fight is not over",is in the Aug.29th edition of the Post.He writes;

 "It’s easy enough to stroll around Madison, Wis., these days and find empty-headed, left-leaning graffiti of the sort that George F. Will cited in his Aug. 25 op-ed column, “Liberals’ Waterloo.” But Mr. Will’s contention that recent recall elections of six Republican senators (two of whom were unseated) were an attempt to upend the will of Wisconsinites, as expressed in Gov. Scott Walker’s election, was just as vapid.

The people of Wisconsin did not vote to have their public-sector unions curtailed in the short term and legislated out of existence over the coming years. Rather, what Mr. Walker (R) campaigned on, almost to the exclusion of anything else, was a promise to create jobs. And creating jobs is what people elected him to do. “Wisconsin is open for business” was his mantra.

The political energy that went into the recalls has not dissipated; it’s been channeled into other fights. Mr. Will stated that the GOP hopes progressives will attempt a recall of Mr. Walker next year, but I doubt very much that the state or national GOP is hoping that he gets recalled. Mr. Will can gloat over what he sees as a victory, but people in Wisconsin are settling in for a long battle."
Elliott Vanskike, Madison, Wis.

I just want to address this thing I have been hearing from liberals that Gov.Walker didn't tell the voters his intentions with the public sector union workers.From libs on TV,to calling in on radio shows,to things in the newspapers and on the internet,I keep hearing liberals say this.

I knew it.I didn't have any secret source.There was no vast right wing conspiracy letter that went around just letting us right wingers in on this big "secret".While Walker may not have said,"I am going to bust up the public sector unions." He did make it clear that in order to clean up the budget mess that public employee compensation would have to be addressed.

Any dolt who half assed understood the abuse of the public sector unions,especially WEAC,understood what this meant. You libs might have been busy smoking dope or doing whatever you do to pass all this free time you seem to have and missed this,but the folks running WEAC sure as heck knew what it meant.

I remember very clearly on the 2010 election night,when it became clear the Republicans had cleaned the dem's clock.I was jumping up and down in our living room (with a glass of wine in my hand that spilled all over),yelling to my husband,"Woo Hoo,Walker is gonna finally bust up those dam unions!" By those "dam unions" I meant public sector unions.My husband and I both knew this and we both are just like any other person on the street,we had no secret inside knowledge.

I'm not going to call this guy or any other libs liars on this issue.I don't think they are lying about not understanding this.They believe the mythology.When the Madison protests were going on,before passage of Act 10,there were all sorts of untrue rumors swirling around those gangs of goons and thugs.A whole mythology grew up around what would happen when the budget repair bill passed.The left told us that the earth would crack open and Wisconsin would slide down into the abyss.

I think this whole,"I didn't know Gov.Walker would do this",is part of this mythology.I think the reason liberals didn't know this was because they never listened to Walker when he was campaigning for governor.They already knew they were not going to vote for him anyway.

For all the liberal claims of their open mindedness,we yet again have more proof of their closed mindedness.Or maybe they were just stoned and vapid.

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