Thursday, August 25, 2011

Once again,I have to address liberals playing the racist card.I really wish I didn't have to do this,it gets a bit wonky.

 By D.C.

Well,liberal hit man and hack journalist,Steve Kornack,news editor at Salon is at it again.His article today,Aug 24,"The "redneck-blackneck" politics of the Deep South",is yet another article saying all conservatives are white and racist.

Mind you,Kornack will not come out and say it.He buries it in his article,like all liberals do,all mixed up in ivory tower,high mined liberal speak.I call it NY Times speak.

Kornack could have just saved himself a lot of time by just writing,"All conservatives are white and racist,the end.".It doesn't come as a shock to me,I read a lot of liberal media and on a daily basis I read some liberal telling me that I am a racist.

Kornack uses a lot of poll numbers to try and prove his theory that the whole of the south is racist white folks,implying that all conservatives are racist too.Of course without ever using the word racist,the subtle implications are there.I have said so many times over the years,liberal bias is not something that smacks you in the face,it is very subtle,like propaganda.They try to put an idea or concept into your mind.

Maybe I am more sensitive to this because I grew up in the south or maybe it just really hacks me off being called a racist.I have written about this before in previous posts. It's very easy to call someone a racist because how do you prove that your not? It's having to prove a negative.There isn't any "non" racist test to take.

I really wouldn't even be writing about this except for in this case,two reasons.First,I refuse to let liberals get away with this without being challenged on it.Second,Kornack can't help himself but to throw in this ancient piece of liberal mythology that I must dispel,he writes;
"Ronald Reagan's 1980 triumph, after a campaign in which he'd expressed his reverence for "states' rights" in a speech at Mississippi's Neshoba County Fair (the same county where three civil rights activists from the North had been murdered by Klansmen in 1964), helped cement the South as a thoroughly Republican region at the national level."

Before I write any further,I just want to say this.Kornack,Ronald Reagan was not a racist.You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to imply that Reagan was a racist,only that liberals do not possess the emotion called shame.Truth and honesty are also traits that seem to be in short supply by those on the left.

The first part of the liberal myth is that Reagan specifically went to this county fair because the klan murdered those civil rights activists there and he was sending the message that he was a racist.This is ludicrous.Liberals need this myth to keep telling the lie of the so called "Southern Strategy" by Republicans.

Once again,I can't prove the negative.Reagan was running for president,who knows how many county fairs he went to during that election.I will remind any liberal who cares to look at reality,Carter won Mississippi 49.5% to Ford's 47% in 1976.I don't think any honest liberal would blame a candidate,being Reagan in '80,for going and campaigning in a state that the opposition held by a close margin.That democrat state being Mississippi and all the "white racist" Carter supporters.

I will also remind any liberal who cares to be honest,in that '76 election Ford won every western state.The only reason Carter won is because he won the liberal northeast and he cleaned up in the so called racist south,winning every "white racist" southern state,some by rather large margins..(Actually,Carter's closest race with Ford was in Mississippi,Carter carried every other "white racist" southern state with over 50% of the popular vote,he carried Arkansas with 65% of the vote.)

Reagan beat Carter in Mississippi by a whopping 1.33% in 1980.What a landslide,I guess it was all those racist whites who supposedly left the democrat party in the mid 60's that pushed Reagan over the top in Mississippi,all 1.33% of them.Reagan won Alabama by 1.3% and South Carolina by 1.5%. One must remember that Carter was very unpopular in 1980,he only won 6 states(one was his home state of Georgia) and the District of Columbia.

Using liberal logic,I could say Reagan won the "white racist" midwest,or the "white racist" northwest.The liberal logic being that every time a Republican wins any election it's because "white racists" voted for them.There is nothing logical about this thinking,but there is nothing logical about liberalism.It's simply a tactic by the the left to smear Republicans,there is no reality to it.

The second part of the myth is that when Reagan spoke of "states rights" he was using some secret conservative code for reversing federal civil rights laws.He was not.

I know that "progressive" liberals despise the Constitution.I understand that nothing would make liberals happier than to rip up the Constitution and flush it down the toilet(along with the Bill of Rights).I understand that progressives think that the founding fathers were all racist,sexist,profiteering chauvinist pigs.

I know that the left would love nothing more than to write a "new" constitution creating a centralized Soviet/Maoist style government with all sorts of sweeping powers.I understand the strong desire by the left to do away with personal rights such as private property ownership,creation of personal wealth,freedom of religion,gun ownership and speech that disagrees with the government.I understand all these things.

As much as liberals hate the Constitution,the fact is that we still do have a Constitution.This Constitution is the foundation of this nation and it has the rights we live by enshrined in it.The Constitution has many amendments to it.One of those amendments is the 10th.(I know conservatives know this,I'm explaining it to liberals.)

The 10th amendment says," The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." This is what is commonly referred to as "state's rights".

Conservatives and libertarians believe that basically state's rights means the federal government should stay out of a state's internal business and not impose federal rules and regulations on the individual state.Liberals believe that the federal government should be able to impose anything on the states it feels like doing.This goes along with liberal centralized big government ideology.

Given conservatives belief in the 10th amendment,it's not surprising a conservative would talk about state's rights before an audience of conservatives.Since liberals have already pre-determined that all conservatives are racists,for liberals in their twisted,illogical,thinking they put a racist spin on what Reagan said.

For anyone to honestly believe that Reagan meant if he was elected,using the 10th amendment,he would roll back or undo the civil rights legislation of the 1960's and somehow send the south back to the Jim Crow times takes such a huge leap of faith it's preposterous.

Taking such leaps of faith and making outrageous accusations are the bread and butter of the left.Liberals can call conservatives racist without any real evidence of it and then it's up to the conservative to prove they are not racist.As I said before,there isn't any "non" racist test.Conservatives are then left with the tag of being racists with no way to refute it.It's a very cheap and easy trick in the liberal tool box of propaganda.

I know that liberals love to rewrite history to favor them.Here is a true fact.The Republican party had nothing to do with the fight against civil rights.That blood is on the democrat party's hands,not on mine or the party of the man who freed the slaves.

If you liberals want to argue who is a racist,don't bring it to the conservative's door.Go dig up the Grand Cyclops of the KKK,democrat Sen.Robert Byrd and argue it with him.Go argue it with Bill Clinton,a white southerner,who defended Byrd's racism at his funeral.

Liberals like to say after the 1965 civil rights act that all the conservative white racist democrats left the party and became republicans.Yet somehow though,all the southern whites who remained in the democrat party cleansed themselves of their racism or they were not racist to start with.

I could make a very strong argument that liberal polices over the last 40 years are racist.I could make the argument that these policies have hurt black people more than they have helped blacks.I could make the argument that these liberal policies have been done intentionally,with malice and forethought,to keep blacks in poverty and voting for democrats.

But I don't need to play the racist card on these issues,I can make my arguments without taking the cheap shot calling white elite liberals racists.I don't need to use the racist card because I know why I believe I am right.I think liberals can't explain the reasoning behind their beliefs,this is why they so dearly need the racist card.

It is true that in the mid 60's many white democrats became republicans.I would argue that the white democrats left the democrat party because the democrat party had come to represent liberalism.These white democrats had conservative,traditional and religious values so they moved to a party that represented those values and it had nothing really to do with racism.

In the 1960's,were there many white racists in the south? Yes. Did some of those racists who were democrats become republicans? Yes. But the question liberals never ask or want to admit the answer to is this,how many of these racists remained in the democrat party? The answer is that many of them did.They merely were not as overt in their racism.

These democrats did not suddenly see the light and give up their racism,when at the same time the ones who didn't became Republicans.This is a total falsehood perpetrated by the left.

The democrat party owned the south before 1960.The democrat party machine in south was a steam roller.After 1965 the democrat party didn't dismantle this party machinery.There was no purge of these segregationists who ran the machinery for the democrat party.

Take a look at the 1964 election.It's true,Goldwater carried most of the deep south.I would contend these voters were rejecting democrat party and not as much voting for Goldwater.Yet democrats use this as proof that Goldwater was a racist,which he was not.I fully admit this rejection of the democrat party was because of the democrats pushing the civil rights issue.

Yet Johnson won Arkansas by 56%,Tennessee by 55.5%,Kentucky by 64%,North Carolina by 56%,Virginia by 53% and Florida by 51%. Now you are going to try and tell me the "good old boys" who ran the democrat party machine didn't win these elections for Johnson? Of course it was the same democrat party.Am I too believe that all the segregationist white democrats suddenly had a change of heart? Of course not.Am I to believe that all the southern white democrats who voted for Carter in '76 were the whites who have somehow repented for their racism but the southern whites who voted for Ford were still racists? Thats a ridiculous question,it as ridiculous as liberals making blanket statements that all white conservatives are racists.It's very clear there was never a purge or great exodus of the racists in their party.

These are facts.Racism in the south was overt.It was institutionalized.It was ugly.It was disgusting.It was morally wrong.The civil rights movement in the south was a long,hard and difficult fight.Blacks paid a high price during that fight,many gave their lives for it.The morally right side won that fight and that victory was long overdue.

Sometimes,I wonder if the constant need of democrats to make accusations of racism against conservatives is not in some way trying to clear their party's major role in southern white racism.If a person is a racist and that person goes looking for things to justify their thinking,they will find those reasons even if they are wrong.In the same way,when liberals already think that white conservatives are racists and they go looking for examples to show this,they will find them and believe those examples even if they are not truthful and wrong.

When conservatives are critical of the president because we honestly disagree with him that does not make us racists.Every time we are critical of the president the accusations of racism fly.It cheapens the charge when instances of racism are real.We have had the race card played on us so many times we just expect it and it literally has no meaning to us anymore.

Kornack,can you and other liberals please stop calling us racists just for talking about our conservative and libertarian values and beliefs? A Tea Party rally is not a Klan rally. Can we please move beyond the ghosts of the 1960's where many whites were wrong whether they were democrat or Republican? Can we please debate political issues on their merit and stop taking your cheap racist shots when you can't win the argument on it's merits? You guys are supposed to be progressives,can we please move on from this?

I don't think liberals can.The race baiting,phony charges of racism and playing the race card is what liberals do,they don't know any thing different.It's all part of their indoctrination into liberalism.I'm sure there will be some liberals who read this who will be shocked by the things I said.They will say,"Thats not what I learned in my college political science class!" No,your liberal professors didn't teach you this.They taught you liberal historical revisionism commonly know as propaganda.

What I have written here is called reality and it's know as the truth.These are things long ago abandoned by liberals.

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