Friday, August 19, 2011

Moonbat liberal worried to death her daughter might grow up and become a republican.

By D.C.

OK,OK,let me stop laughing here.I read this article back on Aug.7th when it was first in Salon.I had forgot about it until today when I was doing some research for something else and re-discovered this gem.
Sue Sanders writes in Salon the following comedy bit,I mean honest article,What if my daughter grows up to be Republican?.

This gal is a moonbat liberal and she is raising her 12 year old daughter to be a lefty moonbat too.Thats fine,it's her child,but her main worry is that grandma and grandpa are Tea Partiers.Imagine how granny and gramps feel about their daughter being a moonbat and indoctrinating their grand daughter into the same nonsense.I'd love to hear their thoughts.

Here are a few highlights from the article.

"My parents are Tea Party. I'm a liberal. My husband is to the left of your average communist."

She writes about taking the child to a lefty rally protesting the Bush v. Gore thing back in 2000 before the child was one.She also talks about taking the child to an anti war rally when she was 3 and tells what is supposed to be a cute story about the child chanting,No War! No War!.She talks about taking the child around to canvass for Obama.Then she throws in this line;
"I don't want to indoctrinate my child into the cult of my political beliefs. I want her to make up her own mind." HA HA,now thats funny!

 "If I were a neo-Nazi, a Know Nothing, or a Glenn Beck-watching right-winger, she would probably share my misguided views. But I'm a Prius-driving, composting liberal -- and therefore so is Lizzie." Lizzie is the poor daughter.

"We recently chatted about climate change and chocolate eclairs and, because my husband is a historian, she probably knows more about Alger Hiss than any other kid her age." She probably knows more about Alger Hiss than anybody should know.

She writes about how they talk lefty politics at dinner then she recounts her horrible childhood;
"Our family dinners are very different from those when I was a kid. Back then, we didn't discuss politics at the dinner table -- or anywhere else. Our household was more of a dictatorship, with my dad's conservative beliefs reigning supreme. There was no room for dissent and none encouraged."
Aww,poor baby,your childhood must have been just terrible.I mean your dad working and supporting you and not wanting to listen to you mouth off lefty crap while the man is trying to eat dinner,terrible! You should call the ACLU and sue the wicked old man for child abuse!

"When I see what Newsmax "article" or Wall Street Journal editorial my father "likes" on Facebook, or glance at a photo, taken a few years back, of my folks dressed as McCain and Palin for Halloween, I feel physically sick." Ahhhhhh,HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA,stop,stop,I'm gonna bust a gut laughing,your too much!

Some folks might not find the humor I find in it,but to me it's hilarious that this poor woman is worrying herself to death that her daugther might actually grow up to be a halfway decent person.

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