Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An American History Lesson.

 By D.C.

 Alex Pareene,a resident Marxist writer at the leftist smear rag Salon.com,has a new e-book titled "A Tea People's History".Pareene takes a satirical look at what he believes is a revisionist view of history by Tea Party supporters.It is a dry and unfunny liberals attempt at comedy.

 Salon has been publishing excerpts of the book,like this section about Andrew Jackson,the American general who defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans and the nation's seventh President,who Pareene lovingly refers to as the "original teabagger".

 Pareene writes that Jackson was popular with what he calls "freedom lovers"and "true patriots",referring to Tea Party folks,because he had been shot before,killed Indians and swore a lot.He says Jackson was a "stock-carriage" racing fan,an obvious shot at NASCAR fans.Pareene also writes that Jackson campaigned for President running on issues like freed slaves will take your jobs and killing more Indians.

 I don't find this funny at all but I guess it passes for humor in liberal circles.It is not surprising considering these same circles laugh at the murder of unborn children.

 While Pareene's little comedy book is satire,the point he is desperately,and incorrectly,trying to make is that Tea Party folks (besides just being stupid) have a distorted,revisionist view of American history. I find it comical that a Marxist propagandist thinks right wingers have a revisionist view of American history.

 Let's take a look at what passes for a liberal view of American history.A serious book,one marketed by a Marxist teacher's organization called Rethinking Schools to be used in public school classrooms to teach impressionable young children their idea of what American history is.The book is titled,"A People's History for the Classroom."The following is from a summary of the book on Rethinking Schools' website;
"A People's History for the Classroom helps teachers introduce students to a more accurate, complex, and engaging understanding of U.S. history than is found in traditional textbooks and curricula."
"These exemplary teaching articles and lesson plans -- drawn from an assortment of Rethinking Schools publications -- emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history, and raise important questions about patterns of wealth and power throughout U.S. history."

"An understanding of the "people's history of the United States" provides the perspective and analytical tools so important for making sense of — and improving — today's world."

This is from the book's introduction,the name Zinn refers to the author;
 "Nations are not communities and never have been. The history of any country, presented as the history of a family, conceals fierce conflicts of interest (sometimes exploding, most often repressed) between conquerors and conquered, masters and slaves, capitalists and workers, dominators and dominated in race and sex." Zinn recognizes that we live with the consequences of these fierce conflicts of interest today. Thus the more clearly we see the past, the more clearly we'll see the present — and be equipped to improve it.
This is not teaching American history,it is Marxist indoctrination of children to hate America.To tear down the foundation of America by teaching the nation was built on racism,sexism,etceteraism and the inherent wealth inequalities of capitalism.In their own words,how to "improve" today's world.In other words,how to be Marxist agitators,like the ones protesting on Wall Street or the person sitting in the Oval Office today.

 Progressivism is the belief that because the nation was built on this rotten foundation the Constitution is illegitimate and we must progress beyond it.Teaching children this is a way for them to delegitimize the foundation of the nation in their minds so little Marxists will grow into adult,America hating,Marxists.Along with propaganda,indoctrination of children is an important wrench in the Marxist's toolbox.

 Pareene's comedy book may or may not be funny,but what these people really stand for,and the lengths they will go to achieve their goals,is mentally sick.This should be very disturbing to Americans who understand real American history and a clear reason why liberal ideology being taught in public schools must not be allowed to go on without challenge.Just because a teacher teaches a child something in a classroom does not make it correct or morally right.

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