Friday, November 18, 2011

Ann,Mitt and Me.

 By D.C.

 I don't put much stock into dream interpretation. I generally think dreams are just your brain rebooting and have little or no meaning. But,dreams can be a way the mind deals with built up mental stresses. A perfect example of this is sex dreams. I don't think I need to explain what stresses those dreams deal with.

 These stress relieving dreams usually can be easily explained. You don't need Sister Maria,psychic tarot card reader,and fifty bucks to explain them. I have been dealing with some of these mental stresses,of the political nature,not the type I spoke of before. I'll return to dreams in a bit.

 Ann Coulter's much talked about column this week,"If not Romney,who? If not now,when?",came as a shock to many Conservatives. In her piece,she says that it is time for Conservatives to grow up,admit that Mitt is our best chance to defeat Barry and quit supporting,or taking seriously,the other candidates.

 Ann's main point is this. Conservatives should unify behind Mitt and focus our energy against Barry,instead of against our best candidate. Our main goal should be defeating Barry and not focused on ideological purity. This is something that I know many realistic Conservatives,myself included,have been thinking about. Ann just had the guts to be the first girl to dance with Mitt. Now that Ann has danced with him,a girl like me is thinking,maybe Mitt isn't so icky after all.

 I know many of us just can't bear to swallow that bitter pill of the next guy in line as our nominee. It may come as little comfort to you,but Ronald was the next guy in line when he was nominated in 1980.

 Ann is right that our main focus should be on defeating Barry. I agree with her that Mitt is the inevitable nominee. I also agree that Mitt is really the only candidate we have who can beat Barry. However,I don't think we Conservatives should just roll over on our backs and give it up. These are all things I have been tossing around in my mind for the last month. After reading Ann's column yesterday,it really brought all these mental stresses to a central focus for me. Which brings me to a dream I had last night.

 The dream is easy to explain. I was browning hamburger in a skillet and every time I thought it was done,I would see some pink in the meat. So,I would stir it around,let it cook more,but the pink still wouldn't cook out. I was getting very frustrated about this and was asking myself,"When is this ever going to be done?" I woke up and never finished cooking the hamburger.

 After waking up,I realized for the first time,I didn't have as many negative feelings about Mitt as I did before. But this dream really stuck with me and I started thinking about what it meant. Cooking the hamburger was like the nomination process. It can't be rushed or the meat will be raw.

 This process is like stirring the meat around looking for the raw stuff. Rick looked done right out of the fridge,but after we ate some,we got sick. Many of us thought Herman was cooked,but we stirred him around and revealed he was still pretty raw. As Newt gets stirred around,those who already don't know it will realize he is rotten and throw him in the trash.

 This is where I differ from Ann. We're not done cooking. By holding Mitt over the fire,through the nomination process,we can be sure that he is cooked well enough for Conservative food safety standards.

 Mitt needs to hear the voices of the Tea Party and hear them loudly. He needs to clearly understand we are his base. He needs to clearly understand that we will not accept anything less than a bona fide Conservative,such a Marco or Paul,as a running mate.

 Mitt needs to clearly understand that we will not go away quietly like liberals did when Barry broke his promises to them. He needs to clearly understand that without these things,he will not have our support in the general election. Mitt needs to tell us that he clearly understands these things. We do this through the nomination process.

 So,I do agree with Ann that Mitt will be the candidate. I agree that Mitt is our best chance to put Barry on unemployment compensation. This is where I disagree with Ann,we can't give Mitt the nomination without challenge,without proving his mettle to us. Mitt must earn it. Once that happens,we can all sit at the table together like one big happy family and have a nice meal.

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