Sunday, November 13, 2011

My thoughts on the CBS/National Journal debate and Michele Bachmann.

 By D.C.

 I don't mean to beat a dead horse,but just in case you don't know my opinion,let me take this buggy whip and be sure all signs of life have vacated this pony.I do not like these debates,they do nothing but humor the liberal media by giving them something to rip on in the pages of the N.Y. Times.

 There should be debates just a few weeks before the beginning of the caucuses and primaries,in states like Iowa,who host the early votes.Not fifteen debates months before any vote.We have a nomination process and these debates taint that process.I can't deny when these debates happen,so I have to offer some comments.I will briefly summarize the debate and then focus on Michele Bachmann.

 The best thing about the CBS/National Journal debate was that it was on a Saturday night and the last 30 minutes were only online.At least only the most wonky political nerds,like me and probably you,watched the thing,thus minimizing the damage to the candidates.

 Overall,the debate went well.I think Scott Pelley did a good job moderating.I think all the candidates either showed improvement or at least didn't do anything really stupid.Speaking of stupid,Rick Perry had his best debate performance to date.But if you have been failing tests all semester then you make a D,your still flunking the class.

 Just when I thought Perry would get out of this debate without any major gaffs,he yelled over Scott Pelley's closing remarks with,"I'm a friend to the Germans!" I do not want to offend the voters of Texas,but I have no clue how he ever became governor of your state.

 You know movies from the 70's or 80's that have some political angle and the President charactor is a slick talking,rich,generic white guy,who has no core beliefs? This years' remake of those old movies is Romney 2012.I don't care much for the substance of what Romney says because I don't know which side of his mouth to listen to.

 Herman Cain had done his homework on foreign policy and national security issues.He gave some of the most direct answers to these type questions I have heard from him.After Herman was done with his answers,Mitt Romney said the exact same thing in a more polished fashion.This led me to believe Herman's foreign policy homework was just a copy of Romney's work.

 I didn't think it was possible for Newt Gingrich to be any more smug,he continues to prove me wrong.Ron Paul did his thing.Jon Huntsman had on a purple jacket and a pink tie.In saying that,I have already devoted too much time to him.Rick Santorum finally didn't look extremely agitated,I think he must have took his Ritalin.I was very surprised that it was Santorum and Bachmann who had the most understanding of South Asian foreign policy.

 Bachmann knows these issues inside and out.She was dead right on them and towered above all the other candidates in her knowledge of Pakistan.If this was a basketball game,then Michele dunked on everybody.Santorum was the only other person who didn't try to give the Perry-ish type answer of "I'd tell them what to do and hold a dollar over their head to make them do it." I'm sure this works well for Perry in gentlemen's clubs but it is not much of a foreign policy.Pakistan is a vastly more complex issue than this.

 Bachmann understands that aid to Pakistan actually supports the weak democracy there and keeps their military brass on our side.Elements in that military are not friendly to us,but if we cut the whole lot off,the democracy in Pakistan dies,the military turns 100% against us and a working nuclear arsenal would be turned over to terrorists.Bachmann understands walking this tightrope and was able to clearly articulate it.Too bad for Michele that only wonky folks like me were listening.

 Bachmann is the only candidate (other than Romney,I hate to admit) who has a realistic vision of tax code reform.Her ideas of greatly reducing the tax code's complexities,eliminating most deductions but making up for it with lower overall rates and creating a fairer system by even if it is only ten dollars everybody pays something,is actually doable.These are policy ideas that could be passed by Congress.

 I have to inform Cain supporters this,while Herman's 999 plan sounds good,his plans would never,ever,in a hundred years,with mega Congressional Republican majorities,pass Congress.How do you think a Congressional Republican would do coming home to face voters who just had a nine cent sales tax slapped on them? You wouldn't have that Republican majority anymore or would it return anytime soon.

 I remind Wisconsinites that in 1995 a Republican State Senator from Racine,George Petak,was recalled from office because he voted for a 1/10 of 1% sales tax for Miller Park.You think the voters will let you get away with a nine cent increase in that tax? Congress will never give President Cain the opportunity to sign a 999 law.Perry's flat tax falls in this same category.

 Bachmann's views on many issues are,as shocking as this may be,realistic and she is being honest with voters about it.That is something the other candidates are not doing.

 The thing that perplexes me about Bachmann is her Sybil like actions.Last night,she looked impeccable and sounded Presidential.Judging women like this is unfair,but it is a societal reality.Any woman who can't accept this is a liberal feminist and is not going to support Bachmann anyway.

 I can't understand how in one debate,or one public appearance,she sounds and looks Presidential with a strong grasp of the issues.At these times,I think why she is not the front runner? Then the next time,her eyes are bugged out like she is on acid and her voice sounds like she is channeling a doped up Marylin Monroe.During these episodes,her answers,or statements,sound either badly rehearsed,read off a cue card or simplistically stupid.

 It is this inconsistency that bothers me.Inconsistency is something human beings have been judged on since the day of creation and it raises legitimate questions.

 I know that some of her ex-staff say she is impossible to work with and a diva.This is said about almost all female politicians of either side.When a man has self confidence it is viewed as a redeeming quality,but it makes a woman a bitch.It may not be fair,but life ain't fair nor should it be.We are not a socialist nation yet.

 I also have heard rumors,spread by these ex-staffers,that Michele has some migraine problems and she takes some heavy medication for it.I have personal experience with migraines and I have sympathy for her if this is true.But if the answer to her Sybil like behavior is because she is doped up on pain meds,then I do have serious questions as to her ability to be President.I think she needs to answer these questions.

 Having said all this,you might be surprised to find that I am still very supportive of Bachmann and Cain,perhaps with some combo of the two,say a Cain/Bachmann ticket (or the reverse).I also support Gingrich as a VP candidate for either of them.I do not support Gingrich as the Presidential candidate.If we can't agree to one of these combinations,plan on voting for Romney in November 2012.

 And will you now,please,give up on Rick Perry.Sometimes,even when your desperate,it's just better to go home from the tavern alone.

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