Friday, November 4, 2011

I caught you,again.

 By D.C.

 We all know about liberal bias in the media.It can be how a news story is slanted or the angle they tell the story from.It can be the stories they decide to report versus the stories they don't.

 Sometimes,it can be things they try to hide in a story in order to leave an impression or idea in the reader's mind.This is called propaganda,at times it can be very subtle.Almost impossible to detect without a trained eye.When I catch the leftist propagandists doing this,I try to point it out so others can see this when they encounter it.

 I ran across a perfect example of this today in the L.A.Times.The story,"Democrats to embrace 'Occupy' themes,if not movement itself" is a nothing burger,a throwaway piece.It is about some lefty,who is in charge of getting Senate Democrats elected or re-elected in 2012 and how he thinks they should deal with the Occupy squatters movement.But one part caught my eye.

 Of course,they make comparisons to the Tea Party and how it influenced the 2010 election.Which brings us to this short paragraph that had really nothing to do with the story and reeked of the propagandist's ink;
 "The tea party movement had a profound effect on the 2010 midterm elections, most notably in Republican Senate primaries where candidates such as Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell scored upset wins."
 Why did the author and/or editor use Angle and O'Donnell as examples? They could have easily used Sen.Rand Paul and Sen.Marco Rubio as examples of Tea Party candidates who scored upset wins in their primaries.While not an upset in the primary,they could have used Wisconsin Sen.Ron Johnson as an example of a Tea Party candidate who scored a huge upset win in the general election.

 They used Angle and O'Donnell because,while they won their primaries,they lost the general election.They are political losers.The author and/or editor wanted the reader to make the mental connection between two political losers and the Tea Party.In other words,the Tea Party equals political losers.And they disguised it in the form of what almost seems to be a compliment.

 They end the story by saying polls show 45% of Americans view the Tea Party unfavorably to reinforce the implanted idea.The idea being that now the reader perceives the Tea Party as losers.

 Don't roll your eyes and say I am seeing ghosts or UFOs.This is a classic Marxist propaganda technique taught in college journalism classes from sea to shining sea.It was invented and perfected during the various European Marxist movements of the early twentieth century.

 Influencing what independents think is crucial to winning in 2012.Creating negative mental impressions of Republicans is the task of the leftist propagandists.Like witchcraft,this is practiced daily in the ivory towers of liberal media.

 I catch this stuff all the time,but this one is rather blatant and worth bringing to light as a case study.The author and his editor know full well what they were doing.This time,I didn't let them get away with it.

 Beware when your reading the so-called mainstream media,the words on the page may have a meaning other than just what the words say.Stay alert and don't let them get away with it.When you shine a light on cockroaches,they run away.

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