Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some thoughts on Herman Cain.

 By D.C.

 We all know the left despises the four Conservative Supreme Court Justices,but which one do they hate the most? Clarence Thomas.Why? He is no more Conservative than any of the others.They hate him because he is black and a Conservative.Liberals,black or white,have a visceral reaction of hatred when confronted by a black Conservative.

 This is because white liberals believe that all African Americans are somehow obliged to give their undying support to the Democrat party because of the civil rights and social legislation they supported in the past.White liberals feel this way about all minorities.Also,black liberals believe that black Conservatives are not loyal to their own race.When you add these two things together you end up with a real hatred of black Conservatives by the left.Which is,at it's core,racist.

 Which brings us to Herman Cain and his treatment by the liberal media.To put it bluntly,the left's main critique of Cain is that he is stupid.Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson,a black liberal,is just one example of this.Read a paragraph from his latest column,"Let Herman be gone";
"Cain’s policy positions range from the ignorant to the unworkable to the just plain goofy.He trumpets his utter lack of government experience as a selling point and boasts of not knowing foreign leaders’ names. If through some bizarre series of events he were actually elected president, the result would surely be an unmitigated disaster."
Not exactly a vote of confidence from Mr.Robinson.I'll take some liberty with Robinson's work and see what you think.
"Obama’s policy positions range from the ignorant to the unworkable to the just plain goofy.He trumpeted his government experience as a selling point and boasted of knowing a few foreign leaders’ names.Through some bizarre series of events he was actually elected president, the result has been an unmitigated disaster."
I couldn't let that one go by,it was too easy,back to Cain.

 What the left really fears about Cain is the fact that he is black.He takes that advantage away from Obama.You might ask,what advantage is that? The guilty white voter,white independents who for some reason feel personal guilt for the racism of the past that they had nothing to do with.

 The left blows off white guilt as myth,but it is very real and accounted for a large amount of Obama's support among independents.In 2008,these guilty white voters came out strong for Obama,so they could tell their friends,"See,I am not a racist.I voted for Obama." If Cain is the Republican candidate,he would offer those voters a choice as to who they can dump their guilt on,in the form of votes.

 A second reason is that 94% of blacks voted for Obama in 2008.If Cain can just pull 20% of the black vote,it would spell disaster for Obama's re-election.No white Republican candidate can do that,but just maybe a black one could and the left knows this.

 Now,we come to the latest attack on Cain.The Politico gotcha hit piece about accusations of sexual harassment against Cain from the late 1990's.While I know Politico's motivations to run this story are fully for liberal gain,I think I can safely say they got the tip for this story from one of Cain's Republican rivals.

 The details of the harassment are sketchy,but it does seem like some workplace flirting or sexual joking was going on.Some women are offended by such things,but others,like me with a little thicker skin,just brush things like that off as being silly or joking.

 There is a line that cannot be crossed,but anybody who has worked in a large office setting knows this type of stuff goes on all the time.While crude,it is mostly harmless.It is not one sided either,women are just as apt to do it as men. (If there is more to these charges than this,Cain is sunk.)

 It's not so much the charges of sexual harassment that bother me,it is Cain's response to the story that bothers me.First he didn't know anything,then he denied the story was true,then he said the story was true but the accusations were false.He said knew nothing about any payoffs,then he said there might have been a payoff.He said he didn't remember what happened,then he did.And all that happened in 48 hours.

 I don't know about you,but if someone accused me of sexual harassment 15 years ago,I would remember the details of that accusation vividly.I think Herman Cain does too.When stories like this come out about a politician,the best way to deal with it is to be right up front and truthful about it.If it is no big deal,the story goes away.The longer the person doesn't address it,the more media speculation grows.You nip it in the bud.

 A week before Politico ran the story,they asked Cain's campaign about it.So,they knew this story was coming out and had a week to prepare a response to it.This was the best they could do? It is just another example of his campaign staff's ineptitude,which is a reflection of the candidate.It actually gives credence to the left's charge that Cain is stupid.

 I really like Herman Cain,but for a month now I haven't thought he was a serious candidate.This is what I wrote about Cain on October 12th;
"I have come to believe that Cain is not a serious candidate.I don't think Cain is taking it seriously based on the fact he is doing nothing to recruit the quality staff needed to build ground campaigns for the primaries. Cain has the idea that the grassroots will come to him.Without the boots on the ground to plant the seeds,Cain will never see the grass because there will be no roots."
 He has done nothing to change my mind on this.Still,given the choices we have,right now I would vote for Cain in a primary.I am not the only person who thinks this way.Cain's poll numbers prove it.He seemed to say he was pro-choice,had a poor debate performance,had holes poked in his 999 tax plan and various other gaffs,even after all this his poll numbers have held strong.

 This is as much a reflection of the Conservative base's distaste for the other Republican candidates as it is genuine support for Cain.His lack of raising funds proves this.I think Cain entered this race to promote his book and himself.He probably never imagined he would become the front runner.

 At first,he was loving the spotlight and having fun campaigning.Now that he has to face the scrutiny that comes with being the front runner,it is probably not so much fun anymore.We will see how long Herman hangs around now that the thrill is gone.

 I wish I was wrong about these things but Cain has done nothing but prove me right,time and time again.Why is he campaigning in Alabama when he needs to win Iowa? I say it is because he is selling books in Alabama and not running for President in Iowa or anywhere else.

 Having said all that,and I know it doesn't sound good,Herman Cain is still my number one candidate and it is not because I am guilty about anything,it is because I'm a Conservative.That is why so many of us support him.I just wish Herman would take it as seriously as we do.

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