Sunday, October 9, 2011

Man,I need some of that "Economic Justice".

By D.C.

 Hey bro,you got some of that "economic justice"? Yeah,let's roll that stuff up man and smoke it.All our worries will float away like dope smoke in the wind.Job? Man,I don't have time for that.Big government is giving me my "economic justice". Pass that over here,I need another puff.

 Paul Krugman,the moonbat liberal N.Y. Times' columnist,is one of the so-called intellectuals behind the Occupy Wall Street protests.Some of these washed out losers are carrying signs saying things like,"Krugman's Army" or "Paul Krugman's blog is God".Krugman is going around patting himself on the back for all this.Example photo;

 Krugman (a post Soviet Union,Marxist economist) supports massive government stimulus with it's included massive debt and harsh financial regulation.Of course,being a Marxist,he supports redistribution of wealth from those who earned it to those who did not earn anything.In his column this week,"Confronting the Malefactors",he discusses the Wall Street freak festival and what this (bowel) movements goals are or should be.Here he talks to a community organizer,who is not the current President,about these goals;
 "Rich Yeselson, a veteran organizer and historian of social movements, has suggested that debt relief for working Americans become a central plank of the protests. I’ll second that, because such relief, in addition to serving economic justice, could do a lot to help the economy recover."
 Anytime you hear a liberal use the word "justice",look out because somebody who actually contributes to society is gonna get screwed. 

 When a conservative uses the word "justice",it is in this form,a person has been wronged in some way,it could be anything from being cheated out of $5 to being murdered,but that person was done wrong and the "justice" is making those responsible pay for this wrong.

 The liberal version of "justice" is reversed.Liberal justice comes along,finds a person,then tells the person that the reason for all their woes is somebody elses fault.They are just a powerless victim,so we need to screw somebody else over to make them whole.Even though the true cause of the person's woes is their own dam fault.Liberals can paint this victimhood in all sorts of ways,sexual identity,gender,race or in this case simply because they have less money than someone else.

 Who do they think is going to pay for this justice? (We on the right know who will pay.)

 Krugman would say something like this,"Now is the perfect time to borrow trillions of dollars because interest rates are so low.Write checks to everybody who doesn't work or pay taxes.Jack up tax rates on those who actually do pay taxes.Print money like mad and devalue our currency to pay these debts.Force the banks to go back to the same lending practices that created many of the problems in the first place.Worry about the problems all this causes later,much later."

 You want to talk about a Ponzi scheme? Push the reality of the problem down the road.I hate to inform Mr.Krugman that we have reached the dead end sign on this road.

 If you asked Krugman,"Why is the government broke?" He would say because taxes are too low.

 The government is not broke because taxes are too low.The government is broke because it spends too much money.It is not broke because of the people who work,pay taxes,create jobs,create wealth,fund the economic engine of our economy and contribute to society.

 The government is broke because of those who take from the tax payers and the politicians who write checks to those takers,who do not pay taxes,who do not work,who do nothing positive for this country or society.Like those spoiled rotten pot heads protesting at Wall Street,who wouldn't have a job regardless of what the economy was doing.

 Mr.Krugman says the Tea Party protests against the wrong things and the Wall Street freaks are protesting against the right things.This may make sense in Krugman's dope addled,liberal brain.But any sane,logical thinking person knows the problem is the Paul Krugman's of the world.

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