Friday, September 16, 2011

"Little" Bobby Reich has lost it.

By D.C.

 In a darkened room somewhere in the bowels of the White House,a rather shrill first lady (wife of the first black president) has a private meeting with the diminutive Secretary of Labor. She says,"Robert,relax and look at the pocket watch." As the watch gently swings back and forth,Robert feels his eyelids becoming heavy.

 The first lady continues,"You are getting very sleepy Robert,very sleepy.There is a vast right wing conspiracy.You will believe this.A vast right wing conspiracy.When I snap my fingers you will wake up and believe in the vast right wing conspiracy." SNAP!

 Sometime during the 1990's these events could have possibly happened.I am sure you are telling yourself,"Oh come on,Hillary didn't hypnotize Robert Reich and implant thoughts in his mind!" That's the only way I can explain Reich's blog post today.

 "Little" Bobby Reich blogs today,via Salon,"Cynicism, the GOP's most destructive weapon".First,he returns to the halcyon days of his youth,working for Sen.Robert Kennedy in '67 and polls showed 66% of folks trusted government.

 From that point forward Bobby slides into his fantasy world.Here he writes what has caused people's trust in government to fade;

 "What's responsible for this erosion? Not the Great Recession or the government's response to it. Most of the decline in public trust occurred years before."

"While 66 percent trusted government in 1967, by 1973 that percent had eroded to only 52 percent. By 1976, barely 32 percent of Americans said they trusted government to do the right thing. By 1992, 28 percent. Trust bounced up during the Clinton administration (I'm happy to report) but cratered again during the George W. Bush's presidency, ending at 30 percent, and hasn't recovered since."
"Call it the Republican Weapon of Mass Cynicism."
  Huh? What? Where did that come from? Republican Weapon of Mass Cynicism? I've heard it all now.I fully admit to being a member of the vast right wing conspiracy.I know the secret handshake.I have spent many hours plotting away in the conspiracy lodge but I have never seen or heard of this weapon.If I knew of this weapon,I most certainly would be the first to pull the trigger or push the button or whatever I would need to do to fire it.

(Notice that Bobby is full of poll numbers then he suddenly doesn't cite any numbers for Clinton,he only says the trust numbers "bounced up" during that time and pats himself on the back for that.Then,of course,W.Bush destroyed all of Clinton's mythical gains.At least twice a week I catch Bobby cherry picking numbers.)

 Bobby goes on to blame the lack of trust in government on Republicans.Sure,in a weak attempt to look non biased he does kick around the democrats a little,but the vast majority of his blame for this falls on Republicans and our anti government ideology.Here he writes about how we right wingers accomplished our "masterwork";

 "But look at the history of the past four decades and you can't help conclude that the overall decline in trust and concomitant rise in cynicism about government has been a Republican masterwork."

"Decades of Republican rhetorical scorn -- Reagan's repeated admonition, for example, that government is the problem rather than the solution -- have contributed. But the most powerful sources of cynicism have been actions rather than words."

 You know,these liberals really believe this crap.It shows how utterly clueless liberals are about conservative ideology.I guess if they did understand conservatism they wouldn't be liberals.

 Bobby then spells out his 40 year vast right wing conspiracy to destroy people's trust in government fantasy.He has a long list of misdeeds and the conspirators involved.Here are some of these;

Reagan-Iran Contra
Tom DeLay for being Tom DeLay
The impeachment of Clinton
Big Corporations,Wall Street,the super rich,Enron,WorldCom,the Exxon Valdez oil spill,the BP oil spill,tainted meds from China and of course,Halliburton.
Lowering of tax rates,campaign finance laws and conservative Supreme Court justices.
Newt Gingrich,John Boehner and Dick Cheney.

 I admit that I am struggling to address Reich's accusations.I had thought Bobby was in some type of hypnotic trance but now it has become clear to me that he is insane.How do I reason with a person who is obviously a stark raving lunatic? I'll give it a shot.

 Mr.Reich,people don't trust government because of you and liberals like you.

 We have watched liberal policy after policy fail.We have watched as liberals continue to pour billions and billions of tax dollars into these failures.We have watched the liberal welfare state destroy the black community and create a permanent poverty class.We have watched liberal labor unions destroy American industry.We have watched as liberalism destroyed the public education system.

 We have watched liberals grow and expand the size and scope of government.We have watched how increasingly liberals try to stick their fingers in folks personal lives and micromanage their daily life.

 We have watched liberal activist judges twist and distort the Constitution.We have watched these same liberal judges allow criminals to walk away from crimes with no penalty,only to continue to rob,rape and murder common decent citizens.

 We have watched as liberals demand more and more from tax payers only to waste the money down the black hole of government grift.We watched as liberals pissed a trillion dollars of stimulus money down this black hole.We watched as liberals intentionally devalued our currency to pay their massive debts.

 We have watched as liberals stick their hands deeper and deeper in the pockets of hard working Americans only to give this stolen money to those who didn't earn it.

 We have watched liberals murder millions of our unborn citizens in the name of public health.

 We watched as liberals abandoned American Exceptionalism.We watched as this liberal president went on foreign soil and embarrassed this nation by apologizing for our greatness.A greatness born from the very American Exceptionalism he denies.

 Yes Mr.Reich,we are cynical and we don't trust government.We are this way because of you.It is your fault not Ronald Reagan's.Reagan re-instilled a lost confidence in Americans,a confidence that was crushed by his liberal predecessor.The current liberal president has crushed this confidence in much the same way.We don't trust you or your kind because you violated our trust in you years ago.

 Mr.Reich,you can go into your ivory tower Berkeley fantasy world and blame all your liberal failures on Republicans if you wish.I understand you have problems with reality.I don't have the option to put on a tin foil hat and tune out the truth.I live in the real world.I deal with reality on a daily basis.

 While I am not a psychiatrist,I can spot a loony.I have heard that crazy people don't really know that they are crazy.I honestly think Bobby needs professional psychiatric help.Perhaps some time in a calm facility and some medication (probably heavy medication).But Bobby is not alone,I think some mental health care is needed by all liberals.I just gave you the proof of this.

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