Friday, September 9, 2011

Wah! Wah! Little Bobby wants more cake!

By D.C.

 Little Bobby Reich is crying again after Barry's big speech Thursday night.Of course,he is happy that the president showed some fight in him but as he blogged today,"Obama's jobs plan isn't enough",it's not enough cake for Bobby.He wants much more cake.Bobby is so sore about Barry's plan that he doesn't even want to eat any of the cake Barry offered.

  Bobby revisits his dreamworld of the first stimulus package.This is basically his thinking.Oh gosh,the first stimulus failed because it was far too small.This "new" plan will also fail because it is too small.I don't think Bobby would be happy if Barry had asked congress for 5 trillion dollars.It's never enough for these dopes.

 The boy wonder never considers that the first stimulus was a failure because of what it was in the first place.It was a government program giving tax payer dollars to other parts government.Any stooge who understands how government works knows this stimulus program was doomed before it ever started.The only thing shovel ready about the first stimulus is that the shovel was ready to keep digging the debt hole.

 Bobby is not happy about Barry offering some tax cuts to those big mean old Republicans either.Those Republicans are no fun at all.They are always telling Barry no.Those mean right wingers are keeping the liberals out of the toy box and it's no fun for little Bobby.

 Bobby thinks that because those mean Republicans won't play with Barry anyway,he should have just asked for the liberal dream package.Then when those mean Republicans say no,Barry could campaign on it.He says the mean old Republicans do not care about fixing the economy,they are just out to destroy Obama.

 It's very hard for liberals to understand this.They can't understand that we disagree with this president,his party and their ideological policies on the grounds that they are wrong.The government can't fix these problems,government only makes these problems worse.We should be slashing government spending not increasing it. I know,liberals think we are all out to get the president because all right wingers are racists.

 I want to address this idea Little Bobby has that right wingers do not care about the economy.Bobby,we care very much about the economy.While liberals are happy with more and more people dependent on government,we on the right want those folks to have jobs and the ability to determine their own life free of government dependence.

 So,Bobby when you say Republicans do not want to fix the economy just remember this.It's our people who are out here hurting not your people.Most of your people get their paycheck from the government in some form or fashion.We on the right have a very strong interest in fixing this economy,fixing it the right way.

 The first way we go about fixing the economy is getting rid of the current president and replacing him with someone who actually is interested in fixing it.Because the current president is the one who doesn't care.

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