Sunday, September 11, 2011

You want a "Grand Bargain"? I got your bargain right here.

By D.C.

 In Tom Friedman's Sept.10th NY Times' column,"Getting Back to a Grand Bargain",he lectures us about this "Grand Bargain" that must be reached by both parties to fix the economy (and get Barry re-elected along the way).Of course,he believes that the right wing is far too rigid in their anti big government beliefs.He thinks we on the right just need to be "reasonable".

 Friedman,like most all other liberals,thinks that we are just blocking Obama to ruin him and be dammed the economy with him.Where both Friedman and others get it wrong is that they refuse to understand that we do not believe in their Keynesian nonsense.Those economic polices have proven themselves as failures time after time.The only thing that should be taught in college economics courses about Keynes is that he is a totally discredited crackpot. (The left holds up the likes of Bill Ayers and Noam Chomsky as some of their great intellectuals,so what do you expect from them other than crackpots?)

 We on the right oppose these things because of honest ideological differences.We know the president and lefties like Friedman are just plain wrong.What the left views as obstructionism by the right,we view as we are trying to save this country from the destructive leftist policies of this president,his party and liberals like Friedman.

 These leftists want to leave monuments of themselves (unnecessary public buildings,high speed rail lines,bicycle bridges,solar power,etc) and the debt that comes with building these monuments for future generations.

 We on the right want to leave our future generations the cash.We should leave those future generations to decide for themselves as what to do with a fiscally solvent nation.As Americans,we "the people" have a Constitutional responsibility and a duty to leave to the future citizens a fiscally responsible nation.

 We also want to leave those future generations the same promise that the founders left us.An American citizen's God given right to self determine his or her own future.The ideological and economic policies of this president and his party will deny future citizens this most basic of Constitutional rights.

 The real moonbat lefties don't care much for Friedman because they view him as an appeaser to right wingers.The ivory tower liberal intelligentsia though,they view Friedman as a worldly and cultured man who can provide sage like wisdom in proposing "reasonable" ways the left and the right can come together.The left's idea of "reasonable" things is that the right always gives away things and the left takes them.

 They would say we must listen to Friedman,why he has won 3 Pulitzer prizes! Much the same way they tell us we must listen to that lunatic Paul Krugman because he won a Nobel prize.The thing about all these prizes liberals give to each other is that they mean nothing in the real world.

 Maureen Dowd* and Nic Kristof*,both NY Times' columnists,won Pulitzer's for nothing. Al Gore won a Nobel prize for nothing.Barry Obama won a Nobel prize for nothing.I'll give you one guess as to what Paul Krugman won his Nobel prize for.Do you need a guess for Friedman? I see both Krugman and Friedman as what they really are.Just a couple more liberal hit men with lap top computers and fancy offices at the New York Times.

 (*Nic Kristof did earn his Pulitzer as a writer,I question what is the worth of this award,considering his one sided reporting.*Maureen Dowd won her Pulitzer wondering about the size of a former president's penis and why she didn't get the chance to put it in her mouth.)

 All the left wants is another honey pot of cash that Obama can give away to states and municipalities in his effort to get re-elected.The states who have already been irresponsible with their fiscal budgets will all come running for their second chance at spinning Obama's Wheel of Fortune and see what tax payer goodies they win this time.There are no loosers,everybody is a winner! Unless your an actual tax payer.

 Friedman,like Obama,says we will spend the money now and cover the bill with budget cuts in the future.We on the right know those cuts will never come.There is nothing this congress can do to compel any future congress to anything.The dems have suckered us with this play before.

 The state and local governments will only use these funds to prop up the overblown "rotten shacks" of budgets they have through the 2012 election.Just the same way the first stimulus worked.These rotten shacks need to be allowed to collapse under their own weight.Only then will these states be forced to build a new and better house.

 Don't kid yourself either,that's what these stimulus plans are designed to do.Keep these states fiscally afloat for another year or so.They have nothing to do with any real job creation.They have nothing to do with helping private citizens gain and build personal wealth.They are no help at all for that citizen to use this personal wealth to invest in the real economy.They simply steal that person's wealth to invest in the failed government economy via taxes and over regulation of business.

 We all know what will happen to this 500 billion or so Obama wants to re-fill his honey pot with.First off,at least 200 billion of this will just disappear down the black hole of government irresponsibility.Simple as that,just gone away forever and ever with no explanation as to where the money went.It is just gone.

Next,the states will use the cash to pay off their own debts and prop up their bloated budgets.Then,some of the cash will go to projects the states or locals would have never paid for on their own,such as bike paths or free wi-fi.

 Yes,some of that money might find it's way to put a new roof on a school.The school might not need a new roof,but if the "free" money is there,why not? Due to government regulations,the school will massively over pay for this roof.I would contend that the school district could (and should) pay for the roof itself.If the school district properly managed their own budget,they would have the money for the roof.Considering the school actually needs a new roof in the first place.

 Liberals love to talk about "fairness".Where is the "fairness" in rewarding the irresponsible fiscal behavior of some states but punishing the tax payers of states that have been responsible? If Mr.Friedman wants a "Grand Bargain",I have one for him.A real plan for fixing this economy.

 How about a proposal to set up a tax code that rewards the makers and doesn't reward the takers.How about a system that stops punishing those who generate real wealth and giving it away for things that provide no benefit to the economy.We have already gave Obama and guys like Friedman their chance to fix the economy and they failed miserably.It's now time to give us our chance at fixing it.

 That's a bargain that I and millions of other Americans would gladly take.

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